My Worst Experience With Road Transportation

My worst experience with transportation was when a crazy corperate mad woman entered a public bus and i was seating at beside her. It was a funny and scarry experience, we all noticed the woman entered the bus, but it is common for people to dress in any way they feel like even mechanics wear their work cloth inside public bus. The only thing that was weired about her was that she was talkeing to herself but she dressed really nice, her outfit was charming but words that were coming out from her mouth without even asking was very dangerous. The bus driver thought maybe she was ranting about the economy, little did i know that this person was a serious Craze person.


Photo by Marcelo Moreira from Pexels

I was inside the bus the i noticed a had touched me, and was still ranting looking at the person in front while i was seating beside her, i removed the hand and the hand held me back again, immediately i told the deiver to stop i want to come down, she turned to me and started talking soeaking gibberish that I don’t understand, immediately the person at the front wanted to jump away, she grabbed that man and everyone started to run down, the driver had to payse the car in the middle of the road to avoid passengers injury because nobody wanted to wait. I was able to excape this moment, next time if i want to enter public transport i will always check the kind of person beside me.

Photo by Chut FOTO from Pexels

I have also had experience with a public transport that a man has a snake in the cage and did not tell anyone it was snake, although he sat two seats ahead of me but when i heard it was snake that was in the cage on his hand, it was like as if he sat near me i wanted to drop immediately, as at this time i was feelimg sleepy then but when i heard about the snake immediately oppend my eyes, i fear snake so much that i hardly want to live inside village or beside bush. I fear it more than even scorpion. Nothing happended then because the snake was caged but I couldn’t put my mind at rest hearing that it was snake that was there.

I haven’t had real intresting experience in transportation so far i can remember, most times i am always on my headset listening to music playing all sort of Intresting songs to keep my mood alive because i hate crowded noice and I don’t like hearing in necessary sounds.

I am yet to travel by sea or by Air, but i look forward to experience how it feels like to, and i will make sure to share my experiences on hive soon when i do that especially travel by sea, I can’t wait to experience this because i really love water, one of the reason why i love swimming.

This is my entry to #inleo #Feburaryinleo Day 4, you can participate by CLICKING HERE

Thank you for reading my post

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