
To be a man takes a lot of hard work”, that's what my dad said while we were growing up. A man is an individual that provides through his strength and agility and is watchful of everything around him. Being a man to some people sometimes comes easy because they may not need to struggle like te way some does. A woman is an individual that depends on man for survival and can also have the characteristics of a man but not his categories.


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My opinion about Both Gender:




Gender as a man;

Being a man from my experience in life comes with a lot of struggle and dependence. I grew up in a family where my dad provides for the home and my mom assist also. My dad most times leave home early and comes back late, because he has to work to provide. I was taught and encourage by him which have help me I my mental growth and development of life that as a man we must always try our best to make sure everything and everyone around us is Ok and perfect even when we dont fee appreciated.

Life experience have taught me a lot that Being a Man is the hardest gender to be. A man goes with a lot of struggle everyday till he dies. Men goes through so many psychological, and physiological problems but won’t tell anyone because no matter what we go through, we just have to keep pushing for the sake of people around us. This is one characteristic that makes some boys go into selling of drugs and trafficking because they want to make their family and people around them proud.

Being a Man to me is the hardest job ever on planet earth, to my opinion i feel this is why some men try’s to become female just to escape the responsibility of being a man.




Gender as a woman;

Women are know to be the most important to reproduction. I respect women for the responsibility of carrying a baby for 9 month and taking care of it. Women tend to cater of the home and children. I love women because of their courageous and persuasive spirit to Manoover and get what they want. A women never loose a fight with a man because men will never attempt fighting back.

Being a woman comes with a lot of responsibility. A woman have the capacity and the brain to juggle on different task and plan very well. A woman can cook and also be taking care of the house at the same time in terms of cleaning and arranging. A woman have the capability to cause pain to a man and also to heal a man also. Based on recent research, women tend to live longer than men. According to biological research Men are stronger but men tends not to live long and health because of work and other engagement but women does live long and healthy depending on how she takes care of herself.




Reflecting on Why I Choose to Identify as Male.

  • Physiological Reason; In term of work, women tend to be more weaker than men. Men are more stronger and faster than women. Although we are all wired differently for different purpose for example; a woman labours to give birth and take care of the child, while men work all the days of their live till they retire, some women also work but not all so.

  • Psychological Reason; Although to me neither is superior, but it is researched that men are born to be authoritative and productive. Woke tends to be more smarter than men, but still I will choose the characteristics of a man because its not how smart to be determined but how well have you characterised the smartness, this I have seen in so many men.

  • Sociological and Behavioral reason; Men tend to communicate well with each other to share their opinions and challenges with each other. Man and his society pays attention to to expressing and contributing to everyone around him. Although women too also have same characteristic on this as me. Women are even more social than men but I still love being a man.

  • Growth and Development; A man can be adaptable to any aspect of growth in life. We men sometimes dont need advice on how to love in a society or develop our self. Men tends to think more on developing and growth, either monetary or standard wise while women thinks about balance survival in the economy.


In conclusion; Regardless of all odd and gender difference I will still choose to be a man because I enjoy being a man and I love being a man, having the will to stand firm and be a provider like my dad is one of my greatest dream in life.


This is My Day 22 #inleo #Mayinleo Engagement. You can participate in the May Inleo prompt By Clicking Here


Thank You For Reading My Post


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It is researched that men are born to be authoritative and productive.

Would you mind sharing the study? It may be quite an interesting one.


Thank You Sir, for reading and taking interest in my Post Sir 😊;

According to Cultural norms in Nigeria, men provides for the home, makes final decision for the family, they are seen as the essential head of the Family. Traning them from small based on historical fact and present cultural beliefs, we were made to understand that we must always make decisions for ourself, family and that the decisions we make may influence our or the family personal life or professional life (Excersise of leadership skills). Men I Nigeria tend to act authoritative because of the way we are trained to understand how a home is to live in the society.

Productivity depends on the man, both gender can be productive in ways of creatively carrying out method to make or help a task in a more simple way and creating of more Lucriative idea to carry out a task of information based on the occupation. Men are seen as a producer, for example we produce sperm for reproduction, we provide for the home and so many domains on the characteristics of a man

Both gender have their positive influence in the Socitey to play, despite all the “merit and demerit” I will still choose being a Man because I love my gender.


men, men, men...gone are the days when responsibilities are only on men's head. Nowadays, women are now the pillars of some home.. working tirelessly after going through labour and pregnancy pains and training the children..yet, society will always place men first, in the church, at mosque, in politics, name it... I really don't get this ideology...I feel it's high time we should do things rightly..let both genders take equal position in the society


That's why I wrote, I respect the pain and struggles women go through, during child labour and pregnancy.

The General Question in everyone's mouth is

  • Can the woman still respect the man after becoming authoritative in the society

  • Can there truely be equality in both gender. Based in sport, Occupational and other task


Quick correction: Women do NOT depend on men for survival. We depend on each other to keep the world going instead.


That's you, not all women have this kind of thoughts you have now, 👍 to hear this from a sister 😊


It's always been like that though. It's high time we did away with the old mentality and adopt the new and more soothing one.


Michael 🙄 What happened to "MOST" women depend on a man for survival

Being a man is really hard and I give kudos to you guys, e no easy


And being a woman comes with a lot of responsibilities and burden.


The comment section is quite intense already, lemme not add mine to it since all of what I intended to pinpoint has been argued on.
