Investments, challenges, and loans [EN/PT]
I was brought up financially by my mother and have always had a great responsibility in this respect. Throughout my life, I've always organized myself very well so as never to spend more than I earned and I've often made an effort to set aside some money for emergencies, but it wasn't long ago that I really decided to learn about investments. All my life, I've avoided taking out any kind of loan from the bank; if I really had to, I'd rather borrow money from an acquaintance, as there's no interest.
But on one occasion I had to take out a loan, as the amount was very high and no one I knew at the time had such a large sum of money. The reason for the loan was to buy an apartment, it was a great opportunity as it was at a great price. A friend, who was a realtor, showed me the property and it was love at first sight. It was well located and had just been built. So I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by.
I managed to get the loan and bought the apartment. My intention was not to live in it, but to rent it out, and the money I would receive would pay off the monthly payments and I would still have a little left over. It was the perfect plan, I would have an apartment that would appreciate in value over the years, a little extra income and I wouldn't have to worry about taking money out of my pocket to pay for it.
However, I didn't count on some unforeseen events and they started to happen. Despite being a good property, it took me a few months to get a tenant. Those months that the property was empty cost me a lot of money, since I had to pay the monthly installments on the loan and my budget was stretched to the limit, so I had to draw on my emergency fund to cover this extra expense. But after I finally rented, my budget became healthier again.
However, after a year, at a time when I was experiencing great financial difficulty, the tenant decided to leave the property and gave me a big headache. The apartment was left in deplorable condition and I had to pay for the repairs, which I couldn't afford at the time. I couldn't leave the apartment in that state, because I needed to rent it out again to someone else and it had to be in good order. So I made a bad decision in the midst of few possibilities.
I decided that I wouldn't pay the monthly installments and would use the money to repair the apartment. I managed to make the property presentable, but it was mired in debt and from then on, if I didn't get it rented out as soon as possible, things would get much worse. It wasn't long before another tenant rented my apartment and that gave me a bit more relief, but I still had to pay the arrears. A few months late and the amount was much higher, the interest was very high.
With a lot of hard work, some overtime and freelancing, I managed to scrape together the money needed to put things in order. But I can't deny that these were months of great fear and despair. At times, I imagined that I wouldn't be able to put things in order and pay off the debts that were only increasing. But everything worked out in the end.
That was also a lesson for me. I thought everything was under control, that I was safe if anything happened to my emergency fund, but the thing is, I didn't imagine that so much could happen in such a short space of time and that it would suck up all my reserves. Now, I'm better prepared to face problems and I know that unforeseen events happen and other solutions are available for any problems. I'm better prepared because of this bad experience.
Translated: Deepl
Cover: created by Canva.
Image Thumbnail: Freepick
Eu fui educado financeiramente pela minha mãe e sempre tive uma responsabilidade muito grande nesse aspecto. Por toda a minha vida, eu sempre me organizei muito bem para nunca gastar mais do que ganhava e me esforcei muitas vezes para separar uma parte para alguma emergência, mas foi há pouco tempo que eu realmente decidi aprender sobre investimentos. Por toda a vida, eu sempre evitei qualquer tipo de empréstimos com o banco, se fosse realmente necessário, preferiria pegar dinheiro emprestado com algum conhecido, já que não há juros.
Mas em uma ocasião eu tive que pegar um empréstimo, já que o valor era muito alto e ninguém que eu conhecia naquele momento tinha essa quantia tão grande. O motivo para esse empréstimo foi para comprar um apartamento, era uma grande oportunidade, já que ele estava em um ótimo preço. Um amigo, que era corretor, me apresentou o imóvel e foi amor à primeira vista. Ele era bem localizado e tinha acabado de ser construído. Então, eu não podia deixar essa oportunidade passar.
Consegui pegar o empréstimo e comprei o apartamento. Minha intenção não era morar nele, mas sim alugá-lo, e o dinheiro que receberia iria quitar as mensalidades e ainda sobraria um pouco. Era o plano perfeito, eu teria um apartamento que se valorizaria com o passar dos anos, uma pequena renda extra e não precisaria me preocupar em tirar dinheiro do meu bolso para arcar com o pagamento.
Porém, eu não contei com alguns imprevistos e eles começaram a acontecer. Apesar de ser um bom imóvel, eu demorei alguns meses para conseguir um inquilino. Esses meses que o imóvel ficou vazio me deram um bom prejuízo, já que precisei arcar com as mensalidades do empréstimo e o meu orçamento estava no limite, e tive que recorrer ao meu fundo de emergência para suprir essa despesa a mais. Mas depois que finalmente aluguei, o meu orçamento voltou a ficar mais saudável.
Porém, depois de um ano, em um momento em que eu estava passando por uma grande dificuldade financeira, o inquilino decidiu sair do imóvel e me deu uma grande dor de cabeça. O apartamento foi deixado em condições deploráveis e eu tive que arcar com os reparos, sendo que eu não tinha condições financeiras de fazer isso naquele momento. Eu não poderia deixar o apartamento naquele estado, pois precisava alugá-lo novamente para outra pessoa e ele precisaria estar em ordem. Então, tomei uma decisão ruim em meio a poucas possibilidades.
Eu resolvi que não iria pagar as mensalidades e usaria esse dinheiro para reparar o apartamento. Consegui deixar o imóvel apresentável mas estava atolado em dívidas e a partir daí, se eu não conseguisse alugá-lo o mais rápido possível, as coisas iriam piorar muito. Não demorou muito para que outro inquilino alugasse o meu apartamento e isso me deu um pouco mais de alívio, mas eu ainda ia precisar pagar as parcelas atrasadas. Alguns meses de atraso e o montante estava muito maior, os juros eram muito altos.
Com muito trabalho duro, algumas horas extras e freelancers, eu consegui juntar o dinheiro necessário para colocar as coisas em ordem. Mas não posso negar que esses foram meses de muito medo e desespero. Em alguns momentos, eu imaginei que não conseguiria colocar as coisas em ordem e pagar as dívidas que só aumentavam. Mas no final deu tudo certo.
Essa também foi uma lição para mim. Eu achei que estava tudo sob controle, que estava seguro se algo acontecesse com o meu fundo de emergência, mas a questão é que não imaginava que tanta coisa poderia acontecer em um espaço de tempo tão pequeno e que aquilo sugaria todas as minhas reservas. Agora, estou mais preparado para enfrentar os problemas e sei que imprevistos acontecem e outras soluções estão à disposição para algum eventual problema. Estou mais preparado devido a essa experiência ruim.
Translated: Deepl
Cover: created by Canva.
Image Thumbnail: Freepick
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Sometimes, getting tenants pisses me off because of the way they do the house. They’d leave everything and do it badly because it is not their house. Anyway, I’m glad you were now to get out of the loan mess
Yes, they can be a big headache! But everything worked out, and I learned a valuable lesson from it!
wow that's definitely a memorable story. You can't forget that at all. I think you did the right thing by repairing it and keeping it up. Maybe you could've planned it out better by having in mind some scenarios that weren't so favorable but I think that's just a lack of experience and that happens to probably a lot of us. Thanks for sharing your story ;3. I haven't bought any real estate yet but I'll definitely remember this story if i do hehe
I wish you to buy many properties in your life and for my lesson to be remembered: Plan ahead and consider the unexpected!
Oh maybe. I haven't bought any yet at the moment because if I did it would be a lot of commitment which I'm not sure I want to have at this point of time. It would also be hard if I decided I want to live in another country etc. Also I'm not sure how I feel about paying interest and stuff like that like would I just be better having the money in stocks and other investments then when I have enough I can just buy a place iwth no loan. I don't know o.o what's the right play. Even saw some crazy stuff where people are nomads just living on a van with everything they need but its like super customized. that seemed kind of cool too xD
Yes, there are many possibilities, but you will find the best one at the right time and be prepared to make good decisions until then!
Thank you . Let's hope so. I still haven't hit 30 yet i still got time ; ;. See if ican buy 1 house before 35 in full without any loan
The mystery about life is that we can never tell what the future has in place for us. Yet we have to live in at anticipation for it.
I am glad you got over those hard times and got a balance with the apartment and the rent too.
Thank you, it was a tough period, but I take away the lesson of not making the mistake of not planning better. Unexpected events happen, and we must be prepared for them too!
The good here is that you were able to put things together to pay off the loan and also learnt a lesson to help you in the future.
Exactly! At the time, it was desperate, but after the storm passed, I learned some valuable lessons!
Yeah! That's great, do take care of yourself.
Though this was a time of hardship for you, I dream to engage in things like this. Real estate.
Take from the bank, buy a property, face the troubles that comes and get a passive income.
I am glad you scaled through, at least it gave you more experience.
Indeed, situations like this add more knowledge to our lives. Of course, owning a property brings some problems, but these kinds of things happen, and it's better to have some problems like this than to remain stagnant without prospering
there are some problems that are worth our time and attention.
still gathering knowledge about real estate for now. I hope to join the game soon
Têm que ter muito cuidado com empréstimos mano, graças a Deus e muita mão fechada minha nunca precisei pegar, mas entendo que tem momentos q é complicado, é a única solução, mas eu evito a todo custo precisar, porque em algum imprevisto pode dar uma dor de cabeça muito grande. Ainda bem que você conseguiu segurar as pontas e hoje está mais de boa man.
Fica a experiência para as próximas vezes. Abraço.
Verdade mano, mas deu tudo certo no final e depois acabei vendendo o ap e consegui um lucro legal!
Top, muito bom então, no final deu tudo certo haha
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Having arrears sometimes keep me awake at night, especially knowing that the interests is accruing. Being better prepared comes from dealing with bad experiences, I think they open up our mind to how things can go wrong and what we've not put into consideration.
Exactly, some things need to happen for learning to come along, but wise are those who learn from others' experiences and prepare themselves through that.
Conheço muita gente com esse tipo de problema, meu cunhado tambem passou por algo similar. Ele pegou ainda um inquilino que nao pagava kkk so dor de cabeça.
É foda man, esse atrasava o aluguel também kkk pacote completo!
Vivendo e aprendendo, juros bancários realmente costumam ser muito caros. Mas no fim deu tudo certo. Sinto por aqueles que não conseguem se organizar por falta de conhecimento financeiro e se atolam nas dívidas.
Sim, esse tipo de coisa acontece. O conhecimento é muito importante em várias áreas das nossas vidas, principalmente naquelas que possuem dinheiro envolvido.