Loaded With Joy
Wishing us all a joyful experience both at work or at home.
I woke up in the early hours of Sunday morning and my heart resounded with joy. I was so joyful, I could not know why. That joy filled my heart all through the day. I expressed my joy with much singing.
We are often tempted to pretend as if things are not well when in actual sense we are very okay at such a point. This is a deceptive posture. It is common among my nationals. We believe that you should not reveal what you have or what you can do for others to know. They think that it is wise to hide what you have from others, even your friends. This is not right.
The idea of living a fake life is a scam of the highest order. When we were in school, we could see guys who were struggling to get school fees when some of their uncles were actually rich. Those uncles could even spend their wealth with prostitutes rather than helping their relatives. There are also friends who pretend before their friends who need help from them because they do not want to let go of what they have.
When you are happy; when you are fine let the cloud around you be loaded with joy. Let the expression of your happiness be seen. Sing songs of joy. Avoid pretending lamentations and complaints. Let us always learn to brighten our world and make others feel good when things work well for us. Share joy and love; don't increase and compound sorrows.
Wow nice poetry, nice cloud shoots, nice reflection nice seeing your content here.