Learning From Myself. #memoirmonday

Today, I want to share about what I have learnt from myself. I think that one of the greatest lessons to learn is to learn from yourself.

Learning From The Bible

The other lessons which are important to learn are learning from the Bible. The Bible is the only source of true wisdom. Other sources of wisdom and knowledge have disappointed those who put their trust in it. So, learning from the word of God is the best knowledge to acquire. If you lead your life according to the word of God, you will have good success

Joshua 1:8 (KJV) This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Learning From Others

We also learn from others. We learn from those who have succeeded knowing that of a truth their way of life and principles have been contributory to their success. So, what should we do? We try (even if it is hard) to apply their principles to our lifes. Not only from those who succeed, we also learn from those who failed. We find out what they did wrongly and what their dominant habits and life style has been because it will be true that their life style contributed to their failure.

As a young man who is in my middle forties, I am learning from those around me. I learn from those I have read about and I learn from those who are presently making impact worldwide. As a pastor, I learn from pastors whose glory is growing dim and also from those whose glory are growing brighter. Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor Kumuyi, Pastor Chris Oyakilome together with others are those I am trailing presently. I trail them because they have made landslide success; and they appear stronger as they grow older.

Learning From One's Self

And the next one I know is that we learn from ourselves. I am learning from myself. Mastering one's self is the ideal way to lead a successful life. I am practicing the acts of mastering myself.

I Learn To Manage My Finances

I have learned from educational sources and from financial coaches that there are some practices which lead to poverty. I am trying to stop myself from going that directions. Habits like buying carelessly, jumping budget, indebtedness, poor saving habit, and laziness. All these are the ones that I have learnt that they can make me poor.

I Learn To Train Myself To Succeed In Ministry

I have from several preachers of the things that make a successful minister. I am even learning of the things that makes an enduring and lasting ministry. I have learned from E. W. Kenyon materials, I have learned from Kenneth Hagins materials. I am learning from Pastor Enoch Adeboye and Bishop David Oyedepo together with others. I am trying to follow the lessons I have learnt from them to my life. I don't want to fail. I want to succeed.

I must pray that God strengthen the hands of @ericvancewalton for introducing the #memoirmonday initiative. This initiative has help me personally. It makes me create contents that are good reflections and self examinations to my self. The link to the initiative is here

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thanks for taking part in Memoir Monday! Is this in response to a specific Memoir Monday prompt I posted?


not exactly. I thought we can also share other personal memories and experiences. Shouldn't we?


The initiative was meant for people to just respond to the prompts. I think I’ll keep the Memoir Monday tag alive after the initiative is done though (in 29 weeks) so people can post freely going forward after that.
