RE: an IDEA for Community Governance - Effective yet Decentralised

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Hi, you know I'm a real anarchist, and the idea that there is a system simply puts me out of tune. I'm approaching this from a philosophical point of view. Imagine that we live in a tribe of hunters, and there is a pack of deer that could supply food for the entire winter. Now, imagine a voting system to decide if it is or isn't an opportunity. Picture the time spent discussing the situation, debating how many men we're supposed to send, and while we are voting, the deer are gone.

If everyone is responsible for food for everyone, there would be no voting system, just action. The point is that perhaps we need to start thinking from another point of view that is not related to profit. No matter what profit is, it has to be based on the needs of every single person. In order to satisfy every need and desire, the only applicable law is pure anarchy. Gandhi used to say, "If you want to have a clean world, give a piece of land to every human being and tell him to keep it clean."
But please do not miss understand me, it's just a philosophical point of view to explore new ideas :) hugs


Thanks very much for your thoughts. Greatly appreciated! 🙇

Although I am not an anarchist, I LOVE the idea that we can do without much we have today, like country borders, like central institutions, like law books.

Although I don't know what exactly the true anarchist philosophy is, and I so very much like your point of view, I usually summarise what we need in just a five-word sentence:

Respect for Everything and Everyone

If we all live by that sentence, we don't need laws, we don't need anything. We simply will take care of everyone who needs care. We will also get the deer since indeed, we didn't have to debate before shooting.

That said, perhaps we wouldn't have shot the deer, since perhaps we felt like: Uhm that animal can't defend itself from our spears and guns, while we can't kill that same deer if we wouldn't have had a spear or gun 🙃

ps for the first time I counted the number of characters in the 'Respect' thingy: 35 in total including the four spaces. Just 35 characters away from absolute magic 😆


Hi -- Respect for Everything and Everyone; this is the point my friend, we just need to understand that we are born to help each other and not to control each other, i will write a nice editorial on what it means to be anarchist in 2023... thank you for reading my comments.


In essence, live life like a Buddhist. Help others and happiness comes to you. Ok, that is quite a short-cut summary of what Buddhism is about, but captures its essence for what I know from this life philosophy.

Can you believe it? I have been in heavy discussions over the word 'Respect'. Those who believe it is not possible: the word 'Respect' has different meanings for different people. Although this may be true, whenever we start defining what respect is, then we end up with big-ass law books again 😂

Drop me a link when you publish your write-up. Likely I'll see it anyway, but who knows, I may overlook your post.
