How Do You Pick A Favorite Song?
Sometimes I wonder how people come to the conclusion that this! Is my favorite song . Like you just pick one song out of all the amazing and beautiful songs from all corners of the earth and you decide to make one your favorite? Please if you have a favorite song, just how did you pick? How did you come to the conclusion that yes! I've finally found my song for life?
Marriage is a different thing entirely even tho you have to pick a person to spend the rest of your life with. Some days might be "By your side" by sade, some days might be "My father loves my mum" while some days might be "Love on the brain" by Rihanna hehe and some days "I hate you I love you" by Selena gomez. That's just how music is for me, everyday is different.
I don't have a favourite song, because just like marriage, everyday is different, sometimes I feel so sad and I listen to a song on repeat for weeks, and if you ask me about my favorite song at the moment, I'd definitely tell you it's the one I'm currently listening to and then days later you ask me, then it's another song. My favorite song depends entirely on the way I feel.
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There's always something about plugging in your earphones and getting lost in the tune that speaks about your emotions. It just kinda makes you to either forget about your worries and sometimes it makes you to remember the good old days and then sometimes it makes you to envision your future with your kids and husband ( don't tell me you've never thought about that , especially when you're in a moving car and you're sat by the window hahaha)
Music is just too precious for me to pick a favorite, it's like asking a mother to pick her favorite child out of the ten she has, of course they're her world and they all fill her up in different and special ways. Music is just too special for me to have a favorite. But if you want to know the song that has been on repeat on my phone for awhile now;
Kendrick Lamar ft Sza - Luther
Barbara Pravi - Voila
Deanz - Maybe it's too late
Sam wills - Traingazing
Crush - Beautiful
Cigarettes After sex - I think I love all their songs, you have to check them out. I just discovered them some days ago.
Image is mine
So there you have it, my playlist since last week. And you might be wondering if I get tired of listening to these songs, the answer is yes! They're not new songs I added to my playlist, but just like I said, music is all about emotions and how I feel at the moment, and that means that I don't have a favorite song . Ask me about my favorite song later and I'll give a different list.
Do you have a favorite song or you're like me hahaha?
Why you dey show us flowers 😂
I don't even know,but it somehow goes in line with the post 😂😂
Yeah actually it does 🙂, don't mind me
I think it is impossible to have 1 favourite song, I probably have 50 - 100. I can't even say I have one favourite musician or band so there is no way I can say 1 tune!
So marriages are easier, you can have alot less favourite wives than favourite songs!
Aww, I'm glad you agree with me ... Same here, I have like a thousand favorite song. Currently my favorite song is Back to black by Amy winehouse 😅
Yes, I totally agree with you 😂
She was some singer and 27 was a ridiculously young age to leave us.
Yes, way too young, but her music still lives on✨
May her soul rest in peace🙏❤️
Yes it does live on and I am listening now, I think I shall do an Amy ttt so thank you Meya for that!
You're welcome 🤗, glad I gave you inspiration for your post tomorrow
Three thank you's I believe are in order as I just wrote it and set to publish in one hour!
Aww, thank you 🥹❤️
Heading to your blog rn 💃💃