Woah sparky...
I know most of it is theatrics, the show the politicians put on for us so that we feel them to be on our side. But, all that said, this does seem like a stab right to the throat.

Coming clean
I had a neighbor loan me RFK's book on Fauci a year ago, and truth be told it's probably one of the craziest things I've ever read in my entire life.
Voldermort by comparison is a pigmy chicken with anger issues compared to the picture the book paints of Dr. Fauci. Without mincing words, RFK accuses Fauci of orchestrating the experimentation of drugs in Africa and blames him directly for the deaths of thousands of people during the AIDS pandemic.
I'll go even further and say that some passages on the book filled me with such indignation I had to skip through them for my own mental health. And yet, this book was released into the world and not a single lawsuit for defamation was filed.
Make of that what you will...
It's undeniable that RFK has said some crazy things over the years, and in today's day and age, all that craziness gets very recorded. As they say, the internet doesn't forget.
Unlike most people who might be against his confirmation, I'm not going to sit here and say that he is evil or that he's got bad intentions. I think that he's sincere with his concerns(open to being wrong), and he's simply misguided by his own hunger for conspiracies.
That said, I think his confirmation will be inevitable, more so because as it stands the democrats have little to no political capital, and everything they put forth these days is met by the people as with a sharpie sign that reads "too little, too late".
Bobby is not alone
I've seen quite a few prominent figures defending RFK's nomination, using a language that con only be interpreted as veil threats.
The truth is that RFK for all his flaws, addictions, and bizarre behavior, has been on the right side of history in the past, and their supporters won't let you forget that.
What happened to Bret
There was a time when I followed the Weinstein brother's intellectual musings almost weekly. As a matter of fact, Bret for all his weird antics, was one of those voices in the days of COVID who made sense to me, and thus earned a lot of rep for it among a vast group of people.
But his shift to MAGA, this, I didn't see coming.
More viral clips to come, no worries
Before the day ends I'm sure we will see tons of more videos of the circus putting forth their best acts. The faux outrage machine is already producing some bangers, but do not think the show is over, not just yet.
All this to say, regardless of all the puffing and posturing, we already know the answer.
Bobby is in the chair, so... don't forget your seatbelts.
I know people will say that the media re-represents some of these people, but you can judge them by what they actually say. RFK seems to be one of many who has gone down the conspiracy rabbit hole and got lost. We will see them reducing actual science as it tends to prove them wrong. People are going to die because of this mob (word used deliberately).
Folks that do not have the scientific acumen to read the papers RFK cites and simply believe what they are told believe in getting lost in rabbit holes. Actually reading peer reviewed and published papers shows that these are actual crimes committed by criminals intending to profit thereby. I challenge you to produce evidence that any statement RFK has made doesn't rest on sound science.
Not my job to do so, but I don't believe every other scientist is really just out for profit when we know who really makes the money. Do we really want to go back to rampant polio and other diseases? I've had my shots with no ill effects.
If you actually read the published research into the prevalence and lethality of the various childhood diseases it is ridiculous to claim anything but improved health care caused them to become relatively benign. After the 19th Century advances in medical care, including things like doctors washing their hands between examining patients, the autoclave that sterilized surgical instruments, the use of antibiotics like carbolic acid spray to sterilize hospital surfaces, better nutrition, and much, much more, all occurred prior to the introduction of vaccines and largely eliminated all deaths from them. One of those diseases, Scarlet Fever, has never had a vaccine developed for it, but it has been similarly eradicated at the same time the other diseases were - again decades before the introduction of vaccines for them.
The Polio epidemic is likely misattribution of DDT toxicity, which was being sprayed right on people in the decades prior to the disease becoming epidemic. Doctors at the time had few of the toxicology test that we have today, and made their diagnoses based on symptoms. One paralysis is the same as another.
But you'd have to read the published research to know that, because the pharmaceutical companies and their paid minions, well paid, I will add, only tell us what will make them more money. They're for profit corporations, with a legal obligation to provide the best return possible to their stockholders, after all. Funders largely control what research is published, in the same way and for the same reasons that employers decide what work gets done. Science isn't free, and scientists chase the money, just as all other contractual enterprises do.
I remain supportive of RFK's statements, and will point out the attempts he made to cite sources was cut off by the politician in that first clip.
As crazy as you may find reality, it's still real. The reason Fauci was pardoned by Biden is because Fauci committed crimes. If you look into Fauci's record, as you have pointed out, you will find evidence of those crimes. It is obvious that Fauci funded GoF research at WIV through EcoHealth Alliance that is the likeliest source of SARS-CoV-2, and that virus was used to justify the GMO jabs that serious researchers of peer reviewed studies continue to show are responsible for tens of millions of deaths.
These crimes, as horrific as they are, aren't crazy theories. Fauci, Bourla, and many others - including President Trump - facilitated them and profited from their participation.
you will never find me defending Fauci, ever.
That being said, the idea that covid doesn't affect "the jews" seems like a slippery slope, doesn't it. What is being implied here?
I'm not calling him an antisemite, I don't think he is. But, he seems to not calculate how his words can be used in the publicsphere.
In the statement that included the ethnic differences, as RFK attempted to explain in his testimony, the published research he was discussing involved differences in ACE2 receptors in the different ethnic groups, and that is the mechanism by which the spike protein on the SARS2 virus 'unlocks' the cell surface and gains entry into the cells where it can co-opt the DNA machinery and pump out new viruses.
There was no implication in his statement. He was simply discussing the published research that detailed the variable effect of the SARS2 virus on different ethnicities and why that was seen, which was because of the difference in ACE2 receptors the different ethnicities have because of the genetic difference of their DNA.
His words were taken out of context, and the Senator questioning him deliberately prevented him from adding that context, which you can see happening when you watch the interlocution between them.