When someone opens the door


There was a time, not long ago I have to say, when the people who held racist beliefs would elect to be quiet about them. It made sense for them to be closeted, so to speak, since the slaps of consequence were always right outside the door.

These days, however, these days it's cool to be stupid, it's counter culture to say the controversial thing, to go against what they teach you in the history books, or should I say "them queer history books".

Screenshot 2025-01-30 170526.png

A citizen of Conspiracyland

Bryce Mitchells has voiced his opinions on tons of things lately. Gravity is fake, the earth is flat, Musk is the antichrist, you name it. And even though all these hot takes are known by most of the people in his circle, he's not only still invited to the parties, he's amplified.

Let me be clear in case someone might think I'm advocating for censorship; I'm not, not in the slightest. All I'm saying is: Why are they giving this guy a microphone?

Is that not a fair question?

Allow me to show you his intellectual prowess in one short clip.


I did my research

You know, it almost never fails. Every single time I see someone spewing disgusting antisemitic things, they claim to have done their own research, and having arrived to their conclusions with intellectual curiosity.

Who can tell these people 4chan is not a reliable source of information before they manage to cook their own brains, I wonder? And, maybe if someone did tell them, would they care to listen?

The problem

Again, is not that this man exists or that he believes this garbage. The problem is that his homunculus was a guest in the white house. People saw him, heard what he thinks and said:

We should invite this dude over? I think we should...



Some of this changed when the meaning of "racism" was diluted. When terms are devalued, chastisement or other normative mechanisms lose power.

Posted using Political Hive


no argument from me, all of the sudden racist meant whatever you needed it to mean... they basically stripped all the weight from it, simply from over usage.


It's a great way to find out what people actually think - or don't. Give them all the rope they need to hang themselves. Like folks that think they're edumacated but haven't ever read past a headline. Give them a hot microphone, and let the edumacation come to them.

