Those uncomfortable messages...


I know for a fact I'm not alone here, and as a I matter of fact, I'm willing to bet I'm part of the majority. Nobody, and I repeat, nobody likes to send payment reminders.

One would think that most people that buy something from you, know that you sold it, because you needed the money. Right? It makes sense. I would never sell a damn thing if I didn't need to, simply because; Why would I bother?

When it comes to my guitars, of course I want them to "go to good homes" to be played on stage, to be cherished and what have you. Having walls of guitars is nothing I despise, mind you, but I do feel like they are artistic fledglings that should be spreading their wings.

Maybe, this is precisely why, against my own best interest I've been selling them on credit. No, not with a credit card, that would be smart, I was not thinking smart, I was thinking (we are pals/stupid) dumbly.

If I could collect today, I would probably be good for another month or so, quite easily mind you. But, as life would have it, my "clients" are missing in action.

What to do?

For sure sending a mean message never works. The trick is to be gentle yet firm, which is an art that I've not perfected yet.

But why am I sharing this here? What is the purpose of venting my commercial frustrations on this blog of mine?

Maybe It's a quest for a better strategy, a lightbulb moment, some hidden wisdom I've not ran into as of yet.

Who understand me? I certainly don't.



I cannot claim to understand you personally, although I can relate to your plight. I have recently undertaken much work on the behalf of neighbors I was surprised to find didn't even thank me, much less contribute to my worldly goods and profits. I have reflected for two days now on this, and realize I have what I need so am out nothing, but have gained contentment that my neighbors are better situated today, and have less dissatisfaction with their circumstances. I am certainly not so dependent on their compensation as you are, as I have invested nothing in their benefit but my few days labor, while you put much more into your provision of your blessings in time, money, and sweat.

I hope you see through to the felicity you deserve for your good work, and derive from this conundrum nominal sales mechanisms to assure you receive the blessings necessary to you from that good work.



I think if we can walk away saying, I did the right thing, we can't truly be the losers, not really. Above all, I have to like who I am, and what I do, and this is the same for you.

If you showed your a good neighbor, that should fuel your sense of worth, and if you don't neighbors don't' or can't see it, it's says a lot about them. That's all...

Cheers my friend


This post reminds me of the old saying, don't go into business with family and friends. I've often wanted to disagree with this statement, but time and time again people are flaky. I'm so sorry you are going through this situation and I hope the other person follows through and pays their dues!


big vote for you because I miss the positivity you always brought... thank you Kubs!
