The ants can talk
Imagine this scenario, as far fetched as it may be. There's a group of ants in your backyard and they seem to be dancing or something similar. On a normal day, ants in the backyard wouldn't sound interesting but you can tell this time the circle they are making is absolutely perfect, and they seem to be synched up.
You approach cautiously, and you notice these ants, these insignificant creatures have spelled your name using twigs. You can't believe your eyes, never in a million years you would imagine that ants can communicate, yet here we are.
The ants notice you, they stop moving and look up effectively acknowledging the fact that you are there, that they got your attention. One of them steps forward, it looks like a leader of sorts, you say to yourself, and it begins writing with twigs before your very eyes.
After five minutes the twigs read:
SOS, Red Ants bad, kill please
You are laughing in amazement, you even consider the possibility that this might be a crazy dream.
Am I a savior or something? These ants seem to think I can help them. I guess, we will see where this goes. Why da hell not...
You get up, and notice that the leader ant has drawn a small arrow pointing in the direction of the fence. Taking just ten steps you find the house of the red ants, and you know this to be true because of the few soldiers standing guard right outside.
The red soldiers out of fear, driven by instinct, squirt acid in your direction attempting to dissuade you from getting any closer. The acid stings, some of it fell into your left eye and it's making your vision a little blurry. You then quickly get up filled with anger and indignation and go back into the house.
Ten minutes go by and the black ants seem confused, upset and more scared than ever. One of them turns to the other one and says.
I think Bob can't save us either, the reds are too strong, they hurt him bad and he ran away.
SILENCE, screams the leader....
Bob will return, he's the chosen one, he will save us. SHOW SOME FAITH!
As soon as the leader finished his short speech the screen door opens, you've returned to the battle and this time you are ready to take on the evil red ants.
You got the gloves, the boots, the mask, and a bottle of poison, the pump style system you've been recommended to buy so many times over.
You head to the fence, and the slaughter begins. The red ants stand absolutely no chance against the overwhelming power of your magic evil liquid. They attempt to escape rushing out of their mound as fast as possible, but the ground is so soaked, the fumes are so strong, that all of them perish in the attempt.
The Black ants are screaming of joy, turns out you did save them, their faith as far as they are concerned paid off.
The leader of the black ants addresses his people with stoic elegance.
The time for us to flourish is now, life has been hard and food has been little, but with the red ants gone, we will rule these lands!!!!
All the black ants scream in euphoric joy, as they dance, as they celebrate the dawn of the new era, the era of abundance.
The leader instructs the ants to disband, to destroy their summoning circle, and to never contact Bob again.
We must go back to being invisible, this is the only way we will survive.
Time to shower
You are back inside, just took a shower and you call your best friend to tell him about these ants in your back yard. He can't believe a single word coming out of your mouth, it's just too much.
Come over! you said with complete confidence. Come see the black ants talk to me, you'll see.
Rob shows up an hour later the same day. Curiosity was too strong, so responsibilities be damned.
Both of you then walk to the back, to the exact place where the circle was, where the letters could be seen only to find absolutely nothing.
Rob, as best friends usually do, begins to laugh in your face about this whole thing.
Dude... seriously..... you must be tripping on something bro, you doing shrooms?
Rob walks around the yard and finds a single ant going up a post. Grabs the ant from the back of the head, and brings it over to you.
Dude... you got a problem bro...
Yeah, what is it? - you reply
These are carpenter ants bro, they are going to destroy your house. Ima call my cousin to quote you for a full house cleanup, you probably got them all over the foundation and walls by now.
What? Dude... but those where the ones that spoke to me bro... They talk. - you insist
Rob then gets very serious, looks at you with his most professional poker face and says.
Listen man, I don't care if you wanna smoke, do shrooms or any of that shit. Your choice, not mine... But, this house is the house your mom left you, and you should take care of it. Don't fuck around with this shit...
Slightly saddened but shook from Rob's harsh yet loving words. You accept...
You are right man... call Jimmy, have him do the whole house for all pests, might as well. This is all I have of mom and I can't fuck it up, you are right...
Que poco apreciados son los buenos cuentos con moraleja en Hive eh?
epale amigo... intente contar la historia en espanol en mi canal (el que conoces). Creo que me salio maso...
Pero, ya que tu eres bien analitico. de que crees que se trata la historia? Cual es el mensaje?
¿Cual? el de La Caja De Pandora?
Creo que en ese canal "que conozco" como que va a estar un poco difícil la cosa. Pero me habría encantado escuchar la historia en español que te salió maso en ese o en el otro canal tuyo que también conocía en el que solías tener esas largas y deliciosas conversaciones filosóficas con tu esposa y que es una verdadera lástima que los idiotas de youtube te hayan arrebatado. Así que me temo que tendrás que darme otra pista nueva que aún no conozco. LoL
Jajajaja, bueno, tu sabes que todo lo "bien analítico" que puedo llegar a ser es como para ser tomado siempre con pinzas por la mayoría de la gente. Especialmente aquí en Hive. Pero no obstante será un gran placer para mi intentar hacer el esfuerzo. Así que aquí vamos:
Sospecho que la historia trata de lo común y frecuente que es que de repente y de buenas a primeras aparezca algo o alguien por ahí solicitando nuestra cooperación y ayuda para socorrerlos aprovechándose de nuestra conocida buena voluntad y generosidad pero sin mostrar ellos con total claridad quienes son, lo que realmente buscan y lo que posiblemente ocultan. Sobre todo cuando luego de lograr su objetivo, también de repente desaparecen sin dejar rastro alguno de lo sucedido.
Por lo que siempre es importante, sino indispensable, también contar uno con verdaderas amistades y buenos amigos a los que uno realmente conoce y en los cuales uno confía a quien compartirles nuestra extraña experiencia y pedirle su opinión al respecto. Porque por difícil que parezca, siempre existe la posibilidad de que ellos sepan algo que uno aún no sabe o que hayan visto algo que uno no había visto todavía.
Por lo que el mensaje de la historia muy bien podría ser: "Siempre comparte y consulta con la gente que realmente conoces y confías en ellas sobre su opinión acerca de las experiencias y extrañas conversaciones que has tenido con absolutos desconocidos" porque siempre es muy probable que te puedan alertar sobre algo en lo que no habías pensado y se te había pasado por alto.
Y ahora retomando el tema de las moralejas. Opino que mucha más gente debería ver el documental El Luthier del Bosque para que aprendan una o dos cosas útiles acerca de las hormigas que hablan y sobre todo para que también aprendan a hablar español.
todavia no digiero bien el hecho de que me borraron el canal otra vez... puse un appeal, pero no creo que lo recuperer. (canal chiquito, no les importa)
Sobre tu analisis... me encanto ese angulo.. te comparto un video que inspiro la historia y creo que me entenderas.
Luego de ver éste video, por supuesto que te entiendo. Porque cuando se trata de historias de hormigas rojas y hormigas carpinteras, es lógico que la fuente de inspiración haya podido provenir de varios, múltiples y diversos ángulos de interpretación. Que es precisamente lo que yo intenté hacer en mi análisis a la ciega.

Ouch, entonces estás queriendo decir que no te habías dado cuenta de la desaparición de tu canal La Caja de Pandora en youtube hasta ahora que te lo mencioné?
Bueno, puede que con solo poner un appeal quizás no lo recuperes. Pero intenta ahora formarles un tronco de peo... nada más que por solo ver a ver que pasa!
me entere casi a la par de leer tu comentario... 6 am me levanto a la sorpresa de
Uhm ok, entonces intenta insistir un poco más con los appeals para no perder del todo el preciado material audiovisual que allí ya tenías publicado. Y si eso no funciona, pues les formas tremendo peo a ver que pasa y si eso tampoco funciona, pues los mandas pal carajo. };)