Seven Years on Hive? What??


Time truly flies, I have to say. And to be honest I have no idea where the time went. It feels as if I started on this whole crypto thing a few years ago, but I seem to have slipped into a coma.

the yums

All that being said...

I'm grateful for it all. For the ups, the downs, the drama, the fights and all the learning which is at the core of this whole experience.

Some say, you know nothing about money until you've lost big. And Yes, I've lost so much, that I had to rethink what money meant to me in order to move forward and have a healthy mind.

I've said before that

I'm quite convinced hive won't be what we know today in the future. The idea that we can all be bloggers, or vloggers for that matter is as realistic as to think all of us want to work on our cars ourselves. Yes, some of us want to and can, but most of us don't find it too appealing.

I'm bringing this up not to rain a little on myself, or to celebrate with caution, because as I've said, screw ups and all, this has been a great ride. Even to the point to where if it ended tomorrow, I would be sad, but not in a regretty (new word, I know) way.

A toast!

To my fellow OG's.... I may not be among the first as some of you, but at least I can say I showed up early. The DJ was still dancing, the bar had not run out of tequila, and I got to see, experience, some of the craziest moments in crypto next to you all...

Would not change it for the world



I think that even people who join now are early adopters, but we have that extra advantage. Hive could change radically if and when it gets really big. There may be less chance to get big rewards, but people could still earn. It offers opportunities.

Congratulations on the anniversary.



Some say, you know nothing about money until you've lost big. And Yes, I've lost so much, that I had to rethink what money meant to me in order to move forward and have a healthy mind.

And I say yes mate. You indeed have a healthy mind! :)

Because for me you have already opened The Pandora's box (CajaDePandora) where your healthy & lucid mind shows itself in the most eloquent and coherent way and in all its splendor in outstanding spanish.

En mi opinión lo haces estupendamente bien y de hecho te aliento a que lo continúes haciendo. Es cierto que quizás no te lloverá dinero, elogios o alabanzas muy pronto como es lo usual. Pero puedo asegurarte que satisfacciones no te faltarán. Esas son de las pocas recompensas de disponer de una mente saludable. :)

To my fellow OG's.... I may not be among the first as some of you, but at least I can say I showed up early. The DJ was still dancing, the bar had not run out of tequila, and I got to see, experience, some of the craziest moments in crypto next to you all...

Oh yeah, I witnessed it all bro. It's true, the bar hadn't even run out of tequila yet. And certainly The DJ was still dancing. So, let's have a toast now and get at least seven years more of new experiences and the craziest moments in crypto next to everyone.


gracias hermano... I suspected you were one of those views!

cheers mate


De nada mi pana. Lo que he dicho lo dije sinceramente y de todo corazón. Ya que observo que tienes excelentes cualidades y destrezas como comunicador y la capacidad de expresar tus ideas y forma de pensar con suprema claridad, humildad, respeto y autenticidad, en ambos idiomas, de forma por demás coherente y muy elocuente.

Ciertamente son temas un tanto incómodos y espinosos los que abordas como para que en principio sea bien comprendida y bienvenida por una audiencia general no muy culta o con muy pocas experiencias en la vida. Pero no te preocupes que vendrán, vendrán y agradecerán tu autentica curiosidad en conocer otras perspectivas, opiniones y puntos de vista. Y a partir de allí de seguro que se correrá la voz y comenzarás a disfrutar de las mieles del estrellato, la influencia y la opulencia de un youtuber y comunicador audiovisual profesional.

I suspected you were one of those views!

Por supuesto. Y espero seguir siendo uno de ellos hasta confirmar y celebrar tu éxito!

Solo que de momento no esperes que comente nada por allá. Nomás que para por ahora no infuir, demorar u obstaculizar tu éxito.



I think hive has yet to see it's spotlight, let's hope we're all around to witness it before we get too old. And even if that is the case, let's hope our memories remain here for other generations to read and judge how lame but maybe a little courageous we were.


eventually someone can grab everything you ever wrote in here and make an AI model of Acidyo... forever trolling the internet
