RE: I've Figured Out the Problem With Modern Gender Identity


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Você faz alguns bons pontos, tanto que eu quase me sinto compelido a concordar com você. Na verdade, uma versão minha de alguns anos atrás provavelmente teria escrito algo exatamente como isso...

That being said, the word gender, has become something new entirely or more correctly said-- It's becoming something new.

Language, as we know is always evolving or mutating, depends on how you want to look at it.

When I was a young lad, gender and sex were basically the same thing, or at least used interchangeably in all mediums, but these two words began drifting apart many years ago, long before we were probably aware of it.

I'm with you when you say that it's truly not definable, and if we want to speak clearly our current understanding of this word and it's usage makes it close to impossible. However, this will not always be the case, and when the dust settles the word and it's usage will not only be common knowledge, most people won't even be aware there was a debate over this (as it has happened countless times in the past)

Like you, I tend to overthink these subjects a lot. The eternal quest for clarity is never a waste of time, but there's a "risk", if you will, when we explore these subjects that we ought to consider.

We can, and I say this because I've done this myself, provide an "intellectual" reason to be unempathetic to the plea of the minority groups where these debates are not just intellectual exercises, but real explorations into their right to exist.

I should end by saying, thank you for writing this, I enjoyed thinking about this very much.



It's not that gender has new meaning, but that it has lost all meaning. My guess is that it'll eventually just reset back to what it was.

There's a spectrum to tradional genders which already covers all the bases. Modern gender identity doesn't bring anything new to the table except segregation between believers, non-believers and those who are outright always confused about it all.

O maior exemplo disso são os "pronomes neutros". A língua portuguesa sempre teve como expressar neutralidade de gênero, mas ainda assim, inventaram "elu".

In many countries, they don't need to "plea" for anything because everything has already been covered. Social rights such as marriage, physical integrity rights, military rights, whatever you can think of.

What modern gender identity really has done is set the lgbt community back quite a few steps after it got so out of hand, like "male" women competing in "female" women sports or children "transitioning" at the age of 7. It's a fever dream, a black mirror episode.

The real exception to all of it? Those who experience the mental condition called gender dysphoria.

Regarding the "non-binary", they can still answer binarily. Are they more nurturing or more analytical? Just because they answer "man" as gender, it doesn't mean they don't have "woman" traits. To argue otherwise is to fail to interpret.

Although what's the point of non-binary anyway when, in their context, neither man or woman are actual genders due to lack of definition? Are you non-everything? Non-selfdefined? What the fuck.


Eu tenho muitas opiniões sobre o que você disse aqui, mas não acho que eu não esteja defendendo uma abordagem equilibrada para a questão da disforia de gênero. Às vezes, porque eu tendo a pedir empatia, sou confundido com alguém que está disposto a aceitar ideias tão absurdas quanto bebês transgênero, mas eu nunca defendi algo assim.

So let me start off by making concessions, because I do want to to see me not as an adversary, but as someone who has been walking the same mental path you are walking right now.

Is the for profit medical world distorting numbers, acting as a predator to see people suffering from gender dysphoria as cash cows, instead of people that need help? Yes, most definitely.

Are there sport disciplines where the current set of rules, if not modified give biological males who transition to females an advantage? Yes, most definitely.

But even with these two facts accepted and archived in our minds, we can still understand how dismissing transgender people, basically telling them, you are just crazy, is not only not helpful, which should be apparent, but also borderline anti-human.

We can't truly know how it must feel to be one of them, there is no way, but we can attempt to give them the benefit of believing them.

Regarding the neutrality of language, I'm with you there. I speak a few languages myself, and happen to know that our Latin languages are well equipped in this regard and need not the creation of neutrality.

fun note, Russian also has a neutral gender, and it's possibly even more equipped than Latin languages already, without any "updates", if you will

I suspect over time, which was my initial point but I will make it again, we will see the dust cloud settle and the clarity on these subjects will be so "obvious" nobody will know there was ever a problem to begin with.

Another fun fact, the very idea of a transgender female is nothing novel. Any conversation regarding Thailand is bound to end up revealing this fact. Not only are ladyboys (as they are called) not harassed or treated as second class citizens for choosing their lifestyle, nobody truly cares they've done so. It's just another human living a life.



100% agree with you, specially when you say we shouldn't label them as crazy.

The thing is, modern gender identity doesn't actually point to any genders or identities, but it does make a valid point that everyone is unique and that we shouldn't be bound by social constructs. The problem is how this idea was carried out in a nonsensical way.

What the fuzz is really all about is that Gen Z and alpha don't live in a strict world about their identities, which is a good thing since it doesn't force them down a certain path, but it's also a bad thing, because they have no direction at all, leading to this whole lack of authentic identity issue. What they're really saying is "I don't know what I am... I'll fit into this niche so I can belong somewhere".
