Political PTSD


I've been maturing this idea for months now, but I think I'm onto something here. I mean, I'm sure it's a lot more complicated that what I'm about to say, but maybe the beginning of the cow trail starts right here.


Part of my life experience has been dealing with both; people that are deeply into an American life, and those who've migrated later, and thus still live as if their soul never left their home country. Being Hispanic, I've had the whole spectrum of Latino nationalities in my friend roster at some point in time in life and feel pretty confident about this.

This is why, I think I've noticed the variety of lenses they posses to view the American experience, and form their conclusions as to "How things really are in the land of the free".

The way I see it: There's a collection of countries who've had to survive the worse kind of atrocities. Dictators, famine, human right abuse, you name it. And, when these people, these refugees if you will, leave for a better life, they can't seem to fully leave those traumas there, in the past, where they belong.

Do I blame them? No, of course not. As a matter of fact, we all have traumas to deal with, but one would think, naively so, that after some time, after evidence shows that there's just no way America will become the Communist Regime they escaped from (to put an example), they would lower their guard, breathe a little easier.

I ask sincerely; Why is this so difficult?

Look behind you, but there's a Communist


At the risk of angering some of my very American friends, I will say this much, knowing full well they will disagree:

America does not have right wing and left wing, it has two right wings, and one is about to fall of the deep end


I can see you typing right now, you need to set this libtard straight, I get it, but let me finish first, then we can fight in the comment section.

Let's lay out some historical facts we can both check, and possibly agree on. I mean, I think we should agree facts are not subjective, right?

Has this always been the case?

  1. Have the Republicans always accused Democrats of being Communists?
  2. Have the Republicans always accused Dems of not being true Christians?
  3. Have the Republicans always feared monger about 'Merica becoming: Russia, China, and now Venezuela, if the Dems win?

Here's my point...

They know, they all know, this is not the case. As flawed as the Democrats are, and as well deserved as the critiques on policies can be or even should be, the Republicans are not really "enemies".

That is part of the show. It's all part of the Circus. Both parties serve different groups of powerful people. Both parties love money above all, and both parties have people among their ranks that owe too many favors.

All this said...

The outrage that people feel, the fear, the paranoia, all that is part of the game plan. This is HOW they get you to vote.

You either believe you are saving America from a would be Dictator who is sure going to destroy the world by allowing all his billionaire friends to pillage earth into oblivion..... OR... you believe that you are saving America by making sure the Demon worshiping cabal that loves killing babies at the altar of Beelzebub don't get to elect their candidate.

Can You SEE IT?

This is your PTSD... you fears being weaponized against you. This is fucking with your head and making you believe YOU, and YOU alone know the truth, and thus have to fight to save the world from "the others".

Political leanings aside....

I'm reaching the conclusion that you can arrive at good policy picking either path of the political spectrum, as long as you are consistent, and you don't allow yourself to be seduced by the extremes.

The way I see things today, at least in America is that an extreme ideology has taken a political party hostage, and the would be pastors of the flock have no fucking clue how to get the shit show back to normal.

The other party, the Dems, are rolling with the punches, making their empty promises, and smiling pretty for the camera, wondering how in the hell they are going to govern alongside their friends who have to pretend hate them so much.

What about the tax hikes?

This is what bothers you? Right? The possibility of life becoming shittier than it is right now. I hear you, and I agree. But let's see... again... let's go back in history and leave our feelings aside.

When the Republicans are in power... what happens to the economy? What happens to the country? To the budget, to the debt? To things that affect you? The schools, infrastructure? Even Immigration?

Again, I'm not talking about your feelings on the subject, please leave that aside.


The idea the DEMS invite everyone to come and take over America is not backed up by any fucking statistic. Facts don't care about feelings.

Biden, as of right now, has deported more people both in percentage and raw numbers than Trump ever did. But hey... that's not good for the fear mongering and also Fox news says that "it feels more unsafe".

But, I agree... both parties suck

It's just a bunch of elites pretending they care about the little guy. They have no idea how it feels to worry about running out of gas before pay day, and they don't give a fuck anyways.

Do yourself a favor... STOP BELIEVING THE DRAMA...

Think of the shitshow like watching WWE back in the day. You know it's all bullshit, but it's ok to watch, to have fun even, just don't believe the undertaker is actually coming back from the dead.




I have fallen for Horseshoe Theory in a big way. There really isn't a Right or Left at all, there are more or less authoritarian wings, with the less so being more centrist and furthest from the totalitarians that seek to employ mobs and, eventually, death squads. Despite the centrists being averse to death squads and mob violence, they are so dependent on order that they support states, which are predicated on their authority over sovereign individuals.

The lesser evil is still evil.



some might call us not practical for real life, but it's hard to argue with facts


The references to communism and Marxism are ludicrous. [This] (https://tomthedancingbug.substack.com/p/the-commies-are-coming-to-get-you) made me smile.

Meanwhile some politicians explicitly state that they will remove certain rights people are used to having. Crazy world.

Politics is all about compromise, but I'll generally go for a party that wants to heal society rather than tear it apart (possibly for the benefit of the rich).


i feel like the elites make us fight each other for some bread crusts while they take all the steaks for themselves.


I don't think we should make it a purely 'them and us' thing. They are people and some want to do good. The system may make that hard though.
