Me and my enemy: FOMO
A good friend calls me to talk about this whole Bitcoin thing again. Well, it's making headlines and thus the normies are getting back in the game. If this is your first time in the rodeo you might not know what is going on.
A long time ago, in the days of the bitconnect, I was one of those idiots who knowing close to nothing decided to gamble and lost a lot. So much so, that to this day it hurts. But, and I do say this with as much copium as I can possible muster, I think the way I do because I lost so much falling for the FOMO.
Since those days, I've seen a few cycles of the BOOM, and this looks just so darn familiar to me. The people who usually call crypto garbage or a scam are wondering if they messed up for not getting involved.
The harsh truth is that yes, they messed up, and it's not necessarily too late, but it's probably not for them anyways.
Like my friend, if you are only a good weather type of sailor, then you are not meant to operate in the open ocean. Stay close to the beaches, invest in the stuff that goes up 2% per year and drink your mimosas.
To be in crypto, to understand this whole thing, you gotta eat the dog food too. You have to have the stomach to see thousands of dollars (potential) disappear within a day and be as worried as someone who forgot to turn on the dryer.
An old friend, one who has disappeared from this platform altogether these days, once said. If you think Hive (at that time Steem) is good a 8 bucks a coin, then you must think it's a bargain right now. And you know what... he was right.
He may not be that good at listening to his own advice, but I remember it and sport the credo in my heart.
All that being said... this time. I won't drink a drop of the FOMO juice. Level headed, planned moves only, so on and so forth.
What a crazy time to be alive...
FOMO is a terrible thing, but we have to live with what we missed out on. I intend to stick with Hive and keep powering up, but that's at least partly because it's fun. Just buying crypto is less interesting to me. I am fortunate in not being desperate for money though. If Hive does well then I can treat myself and the family. If not then we'll still be okay.
i could really use a breather this year... i mean, if i dont make the right moves... ill be ok, ill survive, but i wont get to finish our house. Run out of funds a while ago, and my mother in law is not getting any healthier.
lets hope we get lucky
Wishing you all the best. I know times are tough for many.