It's just good for business


It’s simply impossible for me to look at the situation in the Middle East and not be cynical about the whole thing. Yes I acknowledge the seriousness of it all, and feel heart broken about the civilians losing their lives over these conflicts, but behind all the rhetoric, all the huffing and puffing, I’m convinced I recognize the hidden hands of old.

src: Mena Reseach Center

I have a friend, a good friend, who I love very much who halfway jokingly said to me not long ago. “Hey, these conflicts are bullshit, but we are making good money so…. “

My initial reaction was that of a man who didn’t expect apple in his Cesar salad, but him being a good friend I kept the snarky remark brewing in my head to myself.

You see, his wife works for a company that sells metal to military contractors and it seems like she’s making a killing. Directly and indirectly at that. (read that again)

As the old saying so eloquently says: “Just follow the money”

You and I can sit here and justify all actions, and we do try, but we all need to learn to accept the bitter fact that in the end of the day, there is no conflict, no crisis, that does not have invisible hands, the hands that are always eating all the cookies while we look the other way.

What is most bothersome, at least for me, is that today at least, speaking of these matters is not only taboo, but equated to an extreme position of diabolical intent.

Just recently I witnessed a logical contortion that would make plastic man, the comic super hero, blush with embarrassment.

Fret not, tax payer, we are providing our allies old weapons and thus clearing out our unusable stock, renovating and upgrading our military might. Spoken like a true psychopath

The keen observers among you might note the subtle fact that innocent people dying does not seem to appear in the radar for some people, and yet the declaration of our nation's values is part of all demagogues.

It seems that we can only reach the saddest of conclusions, and bow our heads in bitter acceptance.

George Carlin was right. It's all bullshit, and the sooner we accept it, the sooner we break away from the Illusion that we are the good guys, the better.

But I wonder... Where will democracy bomb next?

After all, it's just good business.



The 'someone else's backyard' mentality is not really neighborly. Those dire conflicts are so far from our homes at this point that they can seem unreal. Perhaps he finds peace when coming to understand he can do nothing about it and has no choice to joke it away?

Big finance and politics push most things around and the war machine fulfills its own prophecy. Enjoy the Tesla!


Fret not, tax payer, we are providing our allies old weapons and thus clearing out our unusable stock, renovating and upgrading our military might. Spoken like a true psychopath

That's right. Meanwhile the US of A spends billions of taxpayer dollars (masquerading it as foreign aid) sending those old weapons to its "allies" to continue fueling the war while hundreds of thousands of its own homeless citizens die of hunger and drug addiction on the streets.

USA Foreign Aid.jpg


Honestly, no one dies of hunger in the USA. They may die from obesity or other diseases caused by the vile hyperprocessed goyslop that is cheap and ubiquitous wherever EBT (food welfare) is accepted, but no one starves except on purpose. The food is just inedible. They don't die of addiction either. They die of OD'ing on street drugs doped with fentanyl, mostly, because of prohibition preventing pharmaceutical grade supplies being available. They're not killed by addiction. They're killed by prohibition.


"Where will democracy bomb next?"

The eggs that have been laid around MENA and the rest of the world are coming home to roost now that they're fully fledged war hawks. The last targets of the West will be... the countries of the West, precipitating the global collapse and Great (vile) Reset the billionaires intend to institute neofeudalism and chattelization of humanity from pole to pole.

Voting won't change this plan. There aren't any candidates to vote for that would change it, nor would any magically voted into office have actual power to oppose the war industry and conquest of the billionaires. They've got all the supply lines in hand, and they can withhold any resource at any time at their sole option and whim. They've got their agents infiltrated into cabinets and, more importantly, agency bureaucracies that can slow walk or expedite any policy they are instructed to. Remember when Trump said there'd be hydroxychloroquine available for every American? The bureaucracy said 'No, there won't', tabled HCQ and put Remdesivir on offer instead.

Think maybe we can jump on a soap box and tell our fellow civilians about the danger we're in? That's disinformation, citizen, and you're canceled! Across the West governments are jumping on censorship with both feet, no more pussy-footing around by telling social media companies who to ban. In Europe they're directly arresting people for speaking contrary to official government propaganda. Look at Brazil and X. Popular outrage will not be allowed to topple the fascist totalitarian cabal that has infiltrated all national governments on Earth, and trying to create it will paint a target on your back.

There are still solutions to the problem. Decentralization of the means of production enables individuals and communities to themselves produce their necessities, so that global supply lines being cut can't starve them to death, nor cut them off from electricity, water, tools, or medical care. But that requires intelligent people and communities that talk amongst themselves, not over social media (and not in rooms where there are cell phones to listen to their conversations). Folks that recognize the danger and mutually support each other in preparation for such efforts to starve them into enslavement can prepare to remain free of wannabe masters.

Note that security is the pre-requisite of freedom. You can't buy security from the wannabe masters intent on enslaving you. You will have to make it yourselves. Just an observation: they sell guns at Walmart. This shows that guns aren't modern security tech, because if they were, Walmart wouldn't sell them. It is a fact that chemically propelled slugs of metal is ~1000 year old tech. We're way past that now. Microwave ovens are quite amazing. It would be dangerous to experiment with magnetrons taken from discarded microwave ovens, or laser arrays using inexpensive green and blue laser pointers. You could burn or blind yourself, or harm electronics by cooking the circuits or blind cameras if you use such tech carelessly. Be careful.

Being handy, in a community of handy folks, and observant, intelligent, and free, you are both ideally situated to secure and supply your community, at least those also observant, intelligent, and free, as well as a likely target for suppression (depending on how competent the cabal actually is - which I discourage underestimating).

Solar panels will work well to supply power in your region, and can be printed with ordinary inkjet printers and graphene inks on PET (beverage container plastic). Wood gas is also a sensible option, and for backup power generation.

However, lithium ion batteries have just been proved to be bombs awaiting Mossad hackers to set them off. I'd recommend testing carbon black doped concrete with saltwater electrolyte, since that can't explode when the battery management system is hacked by spooks, and it's robust, inexpensive, and simple. Have a garden (aquaponics is simple and very inexpensive to feed) for food, materials, and medicine. Specialists can trade with one another. CAD/CNC is amazing, especially when combined with additive manufacturing, but you already know that, because you use it as a luthier.

No matter what kind of cataclysm comes (and democide is one terrible kind of cataclysm) some folks will have the wherewithal to survive. Be those folks, my friend.

