Don't forget to outsource your thinking


These thoughts have been long time cooking in my head, and even though they may not be fully polished, writing them down my help along so to speak.


Not a new trend by any stretch. For the longest time, people have been looking for someone to tell them what to think. It's how leaders become leaders I guess, and thus how one can imagine even religions being crafted out of thin air at times, but the current boardgame is really facilitating this, and I find that worrisome.

An influencer is called different thinks in different cultures, in different languages, but in of the tongues I favor the honesty of the word illustrates my point perfectly.

In Portuguese an Influencer can also be called: Creator of Opinion. This, I should caveat, is the case in some parts of Brazil, but the first time I heard it, it truly made the gears in my head spin.

For who is the opinion created? Who is the one downloading said "software" and incorporating the opinion as original.


So this is a game now, a board game we all seem to be playing. There are people out there, putting out content, political, cultural or otherwise, heavily opinionated content, so that us, the consumers can download into our brains.

As my wife said jokingly once: What about my me?

My me

Like you, I enjoy watching content, I enjoy learning about events through the lens of other people, but this doesn't mean and it shouldn't mean I can't disagree.

As a matter of fact, I disagree all the time with people that you could call "are on my team", simply because I refuse to take part of tribal compliance as a core value needed for cooperation.

But, I think it's getting even worse

The ChatGPTs of the World

Here's my doomsday scenario, you ready:

This tendency we have, the one I'm describing of outsourcing out thinking can easily move, shift into not consulting flawed humans, no, they are stupid. People can elect, as if they are being smart by doing so, AI to be their thinking resource.

Not just CHATGPT What happened with X?

But more along the lines of: ChatGPT is XYZ wrong? Who is the bad person here? So on and so forth.

This path, if we do take it, is ripe soil for corruption.

If AI is Intellectual Property

It simply means you and I don't get to look at the algos. Why would they show them to us? No need, no incentive, no compelling reason for a corporation making millions to give away the cow making the cheese.

So... where are we now...

I don't know, but I think we are already screwed, and we need to unscrew ourselves.

Can it happen? I doubt it, but should it?

To poorly quote the eloquent influencer with the biggest EGO known to man kind; The Donald himself.

It needs to happen immediately, or even sooner.

And, with a short chuckle... I'll go about my day


Never trust AI. What is called AI isn't intelligent at all. It's just a sorting mechanism, like a series of scales that sorts nuts and bolts by their weight, and it's people that set the weights AI sorts by. It is glaringly obvious that the people running AI's today have agendae and they're pushing their agendae by using AI under the pretense that AI isn't biased. It is.



the very idea that AI models cant be corrupt is laughable


Indeed. The fact is they cannot be otherwise, because their creators have agendae.
