RE: Downvote Drama: Do regular quizzes, giveaways and competitions create value on Hive? Do downvotes destroy the platform? My consequences.

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I have to ask about that:
1.who decides what is right and what is wrong?

  1. who should decide whether something is right or wrong?

If I were to answer these questions:

  1. the whales decide
  2. the users should decide

I honestly fear that Hive is moving in the wrong direction at the moment. New users are put off by these actions instead of being attracted, or lose interest after a short time. Many new users, including myself at the time, were delighted with the various competitions and were happy to take advantage of them. In my opinion, my activity has decreased considerably, especially due to this discussion and handling.

Proposals that are of little use to the community are voted. At hivewatchers, more HBDs are thrown out every day than are brought back in via downvotes. It's like the state hiring tax investigators for 1 billion to collect 100 million in taxes.

Then there are things like this:

I now understand the background and can understand why some users do this, but when you consider what's happening, it's pretty close to a self-vote. In any case, it's not what hive stands for with its rewards system: rewarding good content.

I hope I'm wrong and that things will continue positively for Hive, but at the moment I see it rather negatively. I could write more, but I'd rather not.

Translated with (free version)


Da muss ich mal nachfragen:
1.Wer entscheidet, was richtig und was falsch ist?

  1. Wer sollte entscheiden, ob etwas richtig oder falsch ist?

Wenn ich die Fragen beantworten würde:

  1. Die Wale entscheiden
  2. Die User sollten entscheiden

Ich habe ehrlich die Befürchtung, dass sich momentan Hive in die falsche Richtung bewegt. Neue Nutzer werden durch diese Aktionen abgeschreckt, statt angelockt, bzw. verlieren nach kurzer Zeit die Lust. Viele neue User mich damals eingeschlossen, waren über diverse Gewinnspiele erfreut und haben diese gerne genutzt. Meine Aktivität hat meiner Meinung nach stark nachgelassen, gerade durch diese Diskussion und Handhabung.

Proposals die der Community wenig bringen werden gefördert. Bei hivewatchers werden täglich mehr HBD herausgeschmissen, als diese über Downvotes wieder eingebracht werden. Das ist so, als würde der Staat Steuerfahnder für 1 Mrd. anheuern, um 100 Mio Steuern einzutreiben.

Dann gibt es wiederum Sachen wie das hier:

Inzwischen verstehe ich zwar den Hintergrund und kann es nachvollziehen, wieso der eine oder andere User dies macht, aber an sich, wenn man bedenkt was da passiert, ist es einem Self-Vote ziemlich nahe. Auf jeden Fall nicht dass wofür hive mit seinem Rewardsystem steht: Guten Content belohnen.

Ich hoffe das ich mich irre und es für Hive positiv weiter geht, aber momentan sehe ich es eher negativ. Könnte noch mehr schreiben, aber ich lasse es lieber.

sehr sehr schade, ich bin gerade echt hin und her gerissen und muss glaube drüber nachdenken wie es für mich hier weiter geht. Ich glaube das doch schon ein grund, wieso ich momentran sehr schleppend an meine Hivetycoon-Spiel voran komme. Weil ich wohl überlege lohnt es sich wenns so weiter geht es auf der hivechain zu betreiben :(

Oder sollte ich lieber PD machen und auscaschen?


The users decide: Whales are users too :)
Your example of upvoted comments are all burned. That reduces token inflation and helps all users of hive.

So yes, you are wrong. :)

ignorance is bliss

PS. when you see this sign of burning that is a great thing!



Ok, I must be more precise in my answers.

I'll go into it later, please explain to me what the reward pool is for. I probably have a different understanding of what it's for.


Reward pool is for providing rewards to a hive content creator based on his/her original content on day7 at payout.

Before day 7 you don't own anything, dv just returns extra rewards back to reward pool. It's not personal


So do you agree with me that it is primarily for rewarding content creators?
For something else?

It's true that it only belongs to you when the 7 days are up. It's just a question of whether that's what Hive is all about, 100 users saying it's good (at least for them) and only one with a lot of power saying no, it's not good and then nobody gets anything, not even those who voted.


That is stake weighted governance for you. Also I am disgusted by this fake cry from a user who has been here for ages and just finding out self-voting is bad? Do you understand if all whales self vote what happens to reward pool? It goes to all the whales.

I am sorry that is all the time I have for you today, rest you have to educate yourself.

Being decent is a requirement in a social network, you don’t need any rules for that. I am saddened that I have to come here and enforce the decency to this selfish prick!


And what happens when whales vote for a post by Buildawhale?
That's half a self-vote then, because you get your own curator rewards, but no author gets anything, it doesn't go back into the pool and is distributed to the other authors, it's burned.

It's certainly not the same as a self-vote, but it's a big step in the right direction compared to voting normally.

Your example of upvoted comments are all burned. That reduces token inflation and helps all users of hive.

Therefore, if you do the math, this approach mainly helps those who vote on it and not all users.

Why aren't self-votes simply prevented? Wouldn't be a problem to change it so that it doesn't work if it's not wanted

The users decide: Whales are users too :)

Ok, the community should decide and not a few individuals. What would Hive be if there were only the few whales and what if there were no whales but only the other users? I think without the other users, what the whales have would be worthless, wouldn't it?

Your example of upvoted comments are all burned. That reduces token inflation and helps all users of hive.

Well, less tokens may be good on the one hand, but it's not worth it if the number of users and activity decreases and therefore nobody wants the tokens anymore.

I think it would be much more beneficial to lower the interest rate on HBD, because it is generated from nothing. 15% is a good start, but still far too much.

Let's see what it will look like when we review this discussion in 2-3 years' time


You and your Friends of Mark Jeftovic has claimed at April 2017 an ilkegal stake.

You and your Friends has been reported to the SEC Repor.

How many years you will rest in jail?

20 or 60 years?


Fuck you!

You will go to jail!
