A Life of Simplicity: The Unintended Consequences of Minimalism on Friendship.

I noticed the change in her demeanor, but I thought it was just due to her usual emotional seesaw (mood swings), "she will come around," I reassured myself, shoving away the need to feel bothered.
I held on to this false belief for days, which soon became weeks, yet she wasn't forthcoming.
"Did I in any way offend her"?
"I hope nothing is wrong at home"?
"What could have gone wrong "?
Day in and day out, I felt swamped with a series of questions that left me more curious.

We often leave for lectures like every other morning together (we were in the same department, after all), meander around the campus premises, and return to the hostel as we rant about how exhausting the day was for us. Oh! I almost forgot, many a time on our way home, we would stop by a cool spot (restaurant, eatery, eatery, pepper soup joint)around our vicinity after a back-breaking day to fill our raving bellies with something tantalizing.
Was it always my idea? Oh no! My minimalist nature wouldn’t allow me even if I could afford that much every day.
My course-mate, room-mate turned friend, Tife, is the kind of person who doesn't know how to say No to her cravings but would rather spend her last penny adhering to the enchantment of her belly and throat.
"You only live once" I remembered how she would voice out her life mantra, gulping a chill soda drink as she flushed the lump -full of whatever was on her menu for that day.
"TIFE, you know we can prepare something nice as this for dinner instead of this reckless spending you are doing. "I occasionally would chip in words amid her merriment, just to talk her back from the very act, but Tife never listened.

It happened on a blasting sunny afternoon after we'd rounded up a couple of lectures we were to attend for that day; we decided to return home on time so that we could prepare food since we hadn’t taken our breakfast that morning owing to waking up late.
However, on getting to the juncture of our street, TIFE suddenly developed cravings for Pizza and you'll know whatever Tife wants, she gets. Unfortunately, Tife's pocket was heavy enough to foot the bills of her snack attack, so she inquired of me to borrow her money.
Honestly, I wanted to, but I declined her request because I was weary of her inability to refund me on time - I knew how broke she presently was at that time. If she needed something important, I would have gladly given her the money, but it was another episode of Tife's craving, so, No.
"I thought, we are going home to cook, so what's the need to get pizza again"?I asked her in a less offensive tone than I possibly could feign.
"If you don't wanna borrow me, just say that instead of trying to cut corners. You do know I know your Dad sent you some money for your upkeep today right? She furiously lashed back at me and walked out on me.

Ever since that incident, things hadn't been the same way with us.
The cordiality weaned out,
The friend SHIP capsized
And blissful memories ceased because she didn't allow us to make them happen again.

My minimalistic habit cost me a friendship with her and made my undergraduate years less fun-filled with her in it.
My price for having conservative spending habits? Oh yes, and I'll unapologetically pay it over and over again.


The picture is mine.

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Hmm but what she did wasn't really necessary, didn't you try making it up to her?


I tried but it seems everything I was doing wasn't getting across to her so, I got tired and stopped.
