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Last week I had to take my daughter to the Ophthalmologist. She had been complaining for several days about the vision in her right eye, especially when looking far away.


We arrived at 7:30 in the morning. The doctor arrived around 8 AM, assessed her and instructed the optometrist to perform the relevant tests. For this study it was necessary to dilate the pupil. The technician put a drop in each eye in 3 eye drops, leaving 15 minutes between each one. After 45 minutes she was ready for the tests. The results showed mild myopia in both eyes, but we would have to return in 48 hours to perform the final test and confirm the diagnosis.

We went home with an excuse to be absent from school and with the recommendation not to use screens all day.

It is very difficult for a teenager, in this day and age, to find ways to entertain himself that do not involve a screen. Being outdoors was also not an option because of the discomfort the light caused in his eyes.

So after lunch we started playing Scrabble. It had been months since we had played. During the pandemic we used to have tournaments at home, but as soon as the normal rhythm started, the game was left to dust on a shelf.



Scrabble is a game that we love, even though it shows us how little mastery we have of our language 🤭. Spanish is a very broad language, but according to some studies, a common citizen does not use more than 300 words in his daily life. The most educated people, or those whose professions are related to writing or public speaking, use about 500 in their daily lives. Really a tiny part of a language that has more than 93,000 words according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE).


Therefore, we play to have fun and learn. We make certain modifications to the rules and from time to time we google some word that we may have doubts about its existence. We have had lots of surprises with some that we didn't even imagine.

That afternoon it was just me and my daughter, my husband was at work. We only had 3 tiles left over, there were some interesting words and some common ones. It is difficult to try to form words with 7 tiles selected at random, against the clock and according to what you have put on the board. It is a very thorough memory exercise that develops lots and lots of skills.




I was very happy that my daughter won, over the years we have been able to see her evolution. Her command of the language is more extensive and her use of words out of the ordinary has also expanded. It was a different afternoon, using other ways of recreation. In the evening we had another day of board games, there were the 3 of us, but I will tell you about that in another post.


Two days later we went back to see the Ophthalmologist and confirmed the diagnosis. My daughter will have to wear glasses permanently to try to avoid the progression of this incipient myopia and to take prophylactic measures from now on.

I think this phenomenon is typical of the digital era and we have to be aware of it and act accordingly to take care of our health. Screens are here to stay and are part of our lives, we just have to find the healthiest ways to interact with them.

! [Spanish]
La semana pasada tuve que llevar a mi hija a la consulta de Oftalmología. Llevaba varios días quejándose de la visión de su ojo derecho, sobre todo al mirar de lejos.

Llegamos a las 7:30 de la mañana. La doctora llegó sobre las 8 AM, la valoró e indicó a la optometrista que hiciera las pruebas pertinentes. Para dicho estudio fue necesario dilatar la pupila. La técnico puso una gota en cada ojo en 3 ovaciones dejando 15 minutos entre una y otra. Pasados 45 minutos ya estaba lista para los exámenes. Los resultados arrojaron una miopía leve en ambos ojos, pero tendríamos que regresar en 48h para realizar la prueba final y confirmar el diagnóstico.

Fuimos para la casa con un justificante para ausentarse a la escuela y con la recomendación de no utilizar pantallas durante todo el día.

Es muy difícil para un adolescente, en los tiempos que corren, buscar maneras de entretenerse que no involucren una pantalla. Estar al aire libre tampoco era opción por la molestia que la luz provocaba en sus ojos.

Así que después de almorzar nos pusimos a jugar Scrabble. Hacía meses que no jugábamos. Durante la pandemia solíamos tener torneos en casa, pero en cuanto empezó el ritmo normal, el juego quedó empolvándose en una repisa.

El Scrabble es un juego que nos encanta, a pesar que nos demuestra el poco dominio de nuestra lengua. El Español es un idioma muy amplio, pero según algunos estudios, un ciudadano común no utiliza más de 300 vocablos en su vida cotidiana. Las personas más cultas o que tiene por profesión relacionada con la escritura o la oratoria, llegan a utilizar unas 500 en su día a día. Realmente una ínfima parte de un idioma que tiene más de 93 000 palabras según La Real Academia Española (RAE).

Por tanto, jugamos para divertirnos y aprender. Hacemos ciertas modificaciones a la reglas y de vez en cuando googleamos alguna que otra palabra que podamos tener duda de su existencia. Hemos tenido montones de sorpresas con algunas que ni imaginábamos.

Esa tarde solo jugamos mi hija y yo, mi esposo estaba trabajando. Solo nos sobraron 3 fichas, hubo algunas palabras interesantes y otras comunes. Es difícil tratar de formar palabras con 7 fichas seleccionadas al azar, contra reloj y según lo que haya puesto en el tablero. Es un ejercicio de memoria muy completo que desarrolla muchísimas habilidades.

Me alegró mucho que ganara mi hija, en el transcurso de los años hemos podido ver su evolución. Su dominio del idioma es más extenso y el uso de palabras fuera de lo común, también se ha expandido. Fue una tarde diferente, usando otras maneras de esparcimiento. En la noche tuvimos otra jornada de juegos de mesa, ahí si estábamos los 3, pero sobre eso les contaré en otra publicación.

A los 2 días volvimos a la consulta y confirmamos el diagnóstico. Mi hija tendrá que usar espejuelos permanentemente para tratar de evitar el avance de esa miopía incipiente y tomar medidas profilácticas a partir de ahora.

Creo que este fenómeno es propio de la era digital y hay que tomar conciencia y actuar en consecuencia para cuidar nuestra salud. Las pantallas llegaron para quedarse y forman parte de nuestra vida, solo hay que buscar las formas más saludables de interactuar con ellas.

The images and text are my own. I used DeepL for the translation because Spanish is my native language.

Las imágenes y el texto son de mi autoría. Usé DeepL para la traducción porque el Español es mi idioma nativo.


Sorry to hear about the myopia of your daughter. I don't wear glasses but my husband does. He got his new glasses a few weeks ago, and it is difficult to get used now to them as the diopter has changed.

This board game is so useful! And cool to see the evolution that she made.

I am wondering how many different words I use (in Spanish, or any other language) daily. Probably less than 300, or? I don't know, should write down all the words I use... maybe it is not a good idea hahaha 😂


Adjusting to new glasses is difficult. It's been a little annoying for a few days. We'll see how Olivia does, we don't have them yet. least you know several languages 😊. I wouldn't want to know how poorly I use my native language. Imagine the amount of English words I use! They must be....20 🤣.


Fingers crossed she gets used to them quickly. 😇

They must be....20 🤣.

No exageres.

I already count more than 20 English words in this comment of yours 😜

avatar things are going in Cuba right now, we have to cross our fingers and toes 😬🤣.

I already count more than 20 English words in this comment of yours 😜

Bendito Deelp 😆.


Qué pena por la miopia de tu niña, ahora debe acostumbrarse a usar espejuelos. Me gustaría tener un juego de scrabble, es genial 😀🤗

Too bad about your little girl's myopia, now she has to get used to wearing glasses. I wish I had a scrabble game, it's great 😀🤗


Si, ahora le espera un proceso de adaptación que a veces es un poco difícil. Esperemos que le vaya bien. El Scrabble es genial, ese lo compramos cuando Olivia era muy pequeña. Buen día. 🤗

Yes, now he is going through a process of adaptation, which is sometimes a bit difficult. Let's hope she does well. Scrabble is great, that one we bought when Olivia was very little. Good day. 🤗


Sorry to hear about your daughter eye issues that will keep her wearing glasses permanently, alot of people use glasses this days due to different eye problems but it's not easy adapting to them but with time she will get used to it.


Yes, it is unfortunate, but we have to face it, adapt and change things a bit so that it doesn't get worse. Thanks for your comment.


😔 Lo positivo es que ha sido detectada a tiempo y con lentes quizás se pueda detener su avance.

Ahora a la tarea titánica de hallar esos espejuelos, pero aparecerán los mejores, claro que sí.

El Scrabble hace tiempo que no lo juego. Invítenme. ;)


Ahora a la tarea titánica de hallar esos espejuelos...

Naaaa, si hay en todas partes jajajajaja. Esa tarea está difícil 🤦.

Invítenme. ;)

Ven...perderemos con decoro!!🤣
