My Childhood Nickname....?


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Hope you all are well by the eternal mercy of the great creator. Alhamdulillah I am fine too.

The name given by my parents does not get much response from the friends circle, the name which is created from the friends circle, that name continues in the whole school life, it seems that everyone forgets the name given by my parents, the mischief of those friends is the name that everyone remembers.

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Hello friends, today I will share with you my childhood nickname. The name that everyone insults me. And if someone called me by that name, I would burn up and I would like to kill him. Today I am going to share that name with you.

I was a bit shy type since my childhood. I used to be very shy especially when looking at girls. However, I was a slim-looking and slightly long-faced type. The beard that I had on my face was very similar to a goat's face and the beards resembled a goat's beard. You must have seen goats with short beards. My beards are the same. That's why all my friends called me Goat. Hearing the name of this goat made me feel so bad that I used to start quarreling with everyone and they would make me feel so bad that I wouldn't even do anything at that time.

He said that when I could not study in a class or private school, I could not study there either. I used to get angry then, I didn't even have anything to say, I really couldn't read. Those days are gone now the memories remain no matter how angry and whatever I do I miss those days now.

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Everyone in our circle of friends had a nickname that would make him angry. For example, I had a friend who was very beautiful and fair as milk. Then there was another friend who had a little trouble speaking and we called him a stutterer and he got very angry when we called him a stutterer. Then there was another friend who used to spin the ball while playing cricket, we called Jelapi's page Jelapi and when he heard the name Jelapi, he couldn't say anything else that made us choke on the spot.

So guys this was our nickname that I shared with you, hope you like it.

But now no one calls me by that nickname, I don't get angry, but I miss those days a lot.

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Once upon a time all of us friends used to buy a ball by paying 5-10 rupees. We used to play with that ball, how much fun we all had together. But today we can afford to buy 100 such balls, but those friends are no longer around, everyone is busy.

So friends till today I hope you all like my story today.

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Thank you so much for taking the trouble to read my post. See you again in the next post.

Be well, stay healthy, take care of yourself and your family.

Allah Hafez
