My first craft beer in a while… Let’s taste this SOURBIT!


It seems like a ginormous amount if time ago since I last posted in this community… It’s been a while since I had a craft beer also, but it is finally time!

Since my wife got injured in a car crash, I wasn’t in mood for anything. Almost 3 months in the hospital and now already a month at home I finally felt ready to enjoy something dofferent than the traditional commercial lagers.

It’s not that I didn’t have craft beers, in the refrigerator there were about 5 of them… It’s only because I didn’t have the mood to open one.

This SOURBIT was brought by my wife when she once went on a short trip to the capital and now that we are already reunited again, I feel that is a good moment to open it. I have to mention that my wife is still far away from recovering, she will need at least a year more of a leg surgeries and treatment to see it in a good shape, but for now she is relatively healthy and in a good mood.

The sourbit is a lacto fermented sour with added apricots and vanilla. I like the bright colors of the can and the overall label style, although I find it difficult to read some of the texts. Maybe the designers missed something here…

Time to open it!

The color is amberish, maybe due to the added fruit puree. A bit hazy, with some good carbonation. The head is big, but disappears quite fast… this is to be expected with sour beers, so not a big deal!

The aroma is quite sour with a hint of vanilla, I needed a little but mote fruit maybe, but I really don’t know the amount of apricots used for brewing this.

Taste wise, it replicates the aroma. There is a lot of sourness, which I really appreciate, but the lack of this desired fruitiness is frustrating me a bit. Maybe because I search for a taste bomb like in the IPAs, maybe the flaw is somewhere else. I cannot decide, but thinking over it again, I think that this lactic fermentation eats most of the sugars, and the strong taste as well. If there isn’t some artificial flavoring, then we cannot expect for a solid taste bomb.

Overall, I think this was a good beer, but it really lacked some character. I like sours a lot, but this wasnt one that makes me think “Wow, that’s awesome!”. Its just a good, ordinary sour.

I home that in the following weeks I will have the opportunity and mood to have other craft beers too. I really miss writing here and hope to fix that too.

See you soon and wish you a happy new week!
Cheers and bye!


the beer it's more like a lady's drinks, we like this kind of drink not so strong specially got a sour and sweetness taste. anyway I wish for fast recovery for your wife and be strong for her, we have almost same situation now, my son also 3 weeks ago also have operation of his leg that dislocated, but all is well now he is recovering well. the only hard is his on the cement Cust so he couldn't walk until will remove it. I really feel the worried you feel to your wife, its better if you always beside her as much as can so she can feel more safety.


I hope that only good times are coming now! Wish you a fast recovery of your son! And thanks for the nice comment!


It's my pleasure to share and thank you for the good wish for my 4 years old son, like wise and take care always send regards to your wife as well.


Ahhh, it's painful. Your wife must have passed through lots of stress for the past months and is still going to undergo much. Please my regards to her. Let me send you something for her coffee. Check your wallet @mdosev


Wow, that’s so generous! Thanks a lot!
