Family value and lifestyle




Hello fellow friend! It's great to be posting in this amazing community. Today I'd like to discuss something that is closely related to the family. Family values and lifestyle. So lets dive in!

Values and lifestyle

To begin with lets understand what we mean by values and lifestyle. Values can be described as our beliefs, emotions or ideas, about what's important, desirable and good. On the hand lifestyle refers to the way people live their lives. Including their possessions and behaviors.

Family values

Now that we have an understanding of these concepts lets explore how they shape our families morals and principles.

Family lifestyle

Family values are the qualities that family members find useful, important and accept as part of their lives.

Family lifestyle refers to how family members conduct themselves in ways that may differ from others. These values can be observed in aspects such, as responding to one another eating habits, cooking styles, interpersonal relationships, clothing choices, communication patterns, housing preferences and spending habits.

Values can be categorized into two types; material values and non material values.

  • Material values include things like food, which's any substance consumed by humans to provide energy and support growth and development. Technology is also considered a material value as it encompasses tools and facilities that offer comfort and simplify tasks. Clothing is another value since it adorns or enhances our appearance. Shelter represents the dwelling where family members reside. Occupation pertains to the type of work individuals engage in for their livelihood. Money serves as a medium of exchange for goods and services. Lastly time refers to the periods individuals allocate for activities.

  • Non material values encompass aspects such as beliefs, attitudes, ethics/morals, spirituality/religion, love/affection/emotions/friendship/bonding, within the family unit.

These different types of values shape how families function and interact with each other and society at large.
Non material values, also known as values encompass aspects;

i) Good health; A familys well being is reflected in the absence of illness, among its members.

ii) Education; This involves nurturing a child to exhibit behavior.

iii) Peace and harmony; This denotes a state where individuals refrain from fighting or engaging in conflicts.

iv) Procreation; This refers to the act of couples reproducing and having children.

v) Fame; It signifies the recognition and familiarity of family members, among others.
