fish netted by my brother in the river near the rice fields
Assalamualaikum wr wb?
Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine wherever you are. Well, on today's occasion I want to show and tell you a little about the fish in my post. I don't know the name of this fish, maybe friends. Here, if you know the name of this fish, just answer in the comments😂, this fish was brought home by my brother from where he was fishing or what is called throwing a fishing net, to make it easier to understand.
So yesterday my dear brother went with his relatives to fish nets in the river near the rice fields, it was a bit of a long way to get to the river, he said there were lots of big fish like this, there were also others, there were several kinds of fish. found there, and brought home, and here they sell the fish, some of which they also share for each other's cooking.
I have never eaten this fish, and I don't want to, I don't know, they say it tastes good, tender and very delicious, I feel happy because my brother and his relatives get a lot of fish from their fortune, they are not in vain for coming there, to eat there , it is said that you can get money for selling the fish, that's a short story from me, I hope you like my post and thank you.