My Emotions and How I Cope

There are many things that can ignite one's emotions to change. It is very natural to feel excited and after a while we experience a complete change of feeling from what it was to something else. It is part of human nature for one's emotion to change from being sad to being happy, moody, angry, among others. Once it comes to emotion shift, no one is exempted.


Different situations can trigger an instant change in one's emotions. As individuals we have our different ways of Identifying when we are not okay. For me, one of the ways I know that everyone around me notices I'm not okay is my instant change of mood. I just see myself feeling sad, annoyed all of a sudden.

Another way is simply being all alone to myself. Once I prefer to be left alone I immediately know I'm not fine but can't help it. This act makes matters worse because it makes me worry about so many things ranging from my life, the past, its pains and the future.

I can also remember many occasions in my life when negative thoughts had crossed my mind, it made me think so much and saw myself not doing enough. Once it happens, no amount of self motivation can clear off that pessimistic outlook from my mind.

How I Cope with my Emotions

I don't really have any special thing I do to cope with my emotions whenever I feel I'm not feeling okay. But I remember just a few that worked very well for me.

Connecting with trusted people:

Trying to leave my private space to engage myself with other people who are without any emotional struggle at that moment will help lighten up my mood and make me forget a lot.

Mindful exercise
Another approach I adopt is mindful exercise. Once my emotional state is very overwhelming, nothing helps me better than taking a deep breath. This helps me realize that killing myself over something doesn't help matters instead makes it worse. It helps me have confidence in what the future will be instead of judging from the present.

Listening to Music

Listening to music also serves as a motivation to me. Listening to music with good lyrics. Just a line of motivation from a lyric can revive my emotions.


These are very nice ways to deal with your emotions.
