A Mentor and Boss' Birthday


Today was one of the sweetest days for all the TK staff, and you may wonder why. Was it the enjoyment that made it special? The answer is no. The true reasons are what I'll be penning down in this article.

The gift of life that God has granted to this amazing woman, our boss, is one of the things that made today so special. Additionally, the gift of life He has given to all the staff is another reason why today was so meaningful. Celebrating a memorable day like this, with everyone smiling and filled with joy, is worth calling sweet. Now, let the story begin.

We, the staff, had been planning for weeks on how to make this day a colorful one, and we came up with the idea of surprising our boss at her home with a little package. As the day drew closer, excitement filled the air as we finalized our plans.

On the morning of August 9th, we all boarded a vehicle, carrying our surprise package and accompanied by a talented saxophonist. The journey to her house was filled with anticipation.

Upon arriving at her compound, we were greeted warmly by their beautiful pet, a great scene that set the tone for the day. We then moved to her sitting room, where we began serenading her with a joyful rendition of "Happy Birthday."

The look on her face was priceless—she was so happy, surprised, and deeply emotional. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and appreciation as she made her birthday wish and cut the cake we had brought. The saxophonist played soft tunes in the background, adding a touch of elegance to the celebration.

It wasn't just about the gifts or the cake; it was about the love, respect, and admiration we all have for our boss. Her kindness, understanding, and ability to lead with grace have made working under her guidance a privilege. We wanted to show her just how much she means to all of us.

After the cake cutting, we spent some time sharing heartfelt appreciation and what our boss loves saying to us. Taking our minds on the journey we have had with her as our leader. The morning was filled with joy and the kind of familiarity that only a true leader can inspire in her team.

The two cakes we meet when we got to the evening party

As the celebration came to a close that morning, she invited us to another celebration in the evening. We got there around 4 pm and met two different cakes, the pink and white is a very special cake presented to her by her beloved husband, the other is the special cake she made for herself representing her brand colour. We ate food, garnished fish and drank.

Knowing that we had made her day as special as she has made ours so many times before. Today wasn’t just about marking another year of her life; it was about celebrating the impact she has on all of us.

Happy Birthday to our remarkable leader, a boss who is not just a boss but a mentor, a friend, and a source of inspiration. I say many more years of health, happiness, and continued success.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


"It wasn't about the gift or the cake; it was about the LOVE, RESPECT, AND ADMIRATION we all have for our boss." It pushes me to pondering on what exactly and how i should relate with my staff to make my day special to them and accorded me with LOVE, RESPECT, and ADMIRATION.
Truly it's a special day.
