A child's responsibility to their parents should come naturally.

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Nowadays, it is considered a moral obligation for children to take care of their aging parents, and it is even become a culture. We believe that parenting is a difficult job,many parents have given up a lot to help their children succeed in life. They have invested a lot of time and money in raising their children, and it is believed that children should return the favor by taking on the responsibility of looking after their parents when they get older.

Parenting, however, is not a simple task because it involves a great deal of responsibility, one should not enter the parenting world simply because others are doing it; one must be prepared before entering the parenting world. Essentially, parenting is a complex process in which setting a good example is crucial. A parent's actions and demeanor have a lasting impact on their children's character. As they say, "charity begins at home," parents should set a good example for their kids.

In the event that a child grows up without receiving any care or support from their parents, how can that child show them love in return for not receiving the same nurturing? The child will find it challenging to take care of them, even if they grow up and become successful. Being a parent is all about leaving a lasting legacy for future generations, not about having a child. Not just a legacy, but a good one, brimming with compassion and love.

The children responsibility

As a child who grew up in a loving home where their parents looked after them until they reached adulthood. Without being told, such a child will want to reciprocate his parent's love, no matter how small. Many times, we think that the only way to show our elderly parents that we care is by giving them money. However, I think there are other things we can do as well, such as being concerned about their well-being, helping them physically, providing an emotional connection and support, and engaging them in social activities, to name a few. Financial support is still important, though, and we should always provide what we can.


If the reciprocity is monetary in nature, though, I will argue that it is unfair since it may burden someone without adequate financial resources and cause them to feel guilty. A lot of young adult are trying to build their family, career and dreams, but making them to shoulder all the responsibilities of their old aged parents can be overwhelming. The children have their own lives to live and should not be left to take care of their elderly parents alone.

Preparation for old age

It is important to teach our children how to love and care for others because they will grow up doing the same thing even if they are not told. Parents should not think that taking care of their children will ensure that they are taken care of in old age. I want to avoid a situation where I am dependent on my children to take care of all of my responsibilities, so while I plan for my old age, I will also do everything in my power to provide for my children when I become a mother. I do not want to be perceived as a burden by my children, but of course , they will naturally want to help.

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Hey there! I hope you're doing well. I completely agree with you! When parents shower their child with love, care, and attention, it creates a strong foundation for a loving relationship. And in return, when that child grows up, they'll naturally want to give back to their parents in even greater ways.
Thanks for sharing.


That is undoubtedly the case, as children typically act out the perceptions and ideas they were given during their early years. I appreciate your contribution.
Yeah, I'm fine. Regards 😊


We can never return what the parents have done for us but we can try to make their life easier.


We can't repay everything they did, that's a blunt truth, a child will always do what they are capable of doing towards their parents. But parents shouldn't but be seen as must, it something that will happen naturally.
thanks for stopping by .
