A Coffee Cup and All Those Memories || #SpilltheBeans 84
Hey, coffee friends!
I hope you're having a happy end of the year. ❤️
Once again, let's spill some beans! SpilltheBeans is here again, and the theme fits me like a glove because during these days when I have a bit of free time, I really appreciate any--good--thing that helps my bad memory, coffee cups among my favorite tokens. Some of their colors and textures fascinate me... I also enjoy the messages on them, some of them charming yet fallacious, hehe, that captivate many coffee lovers. Anyway, they always give us something to think about.

As always, I really enjoy this time of year because it's the perfect excuse to put up Christmas lights, haha. If it were up to me, I would have them all year long. As for the rest, well, I think that any time of the year is a good time to see friends, family, and to meet new people, but since almost all of us are on vacation during these days, it makes it easier for us. Another thing I love about Christmas is that I have time to cook the traditional dishes and desserts of my country and prepare seasonal drinks, so spiced coffees are on the menu. I pour all kinds of coffee in my Christmas mug, and as soon as I hold it in my hands, many memories come to me. I really appreciate this as my memory is really bad. I am the kind of person who needsa photo album, a scent, a sentence to remember fragments of the past that, although dear to me, go to a deep place in my memory where they could be anchored forever.

This mug came in a can that is an piggy bank. I look forward to using it to save money the old school way. It's been almost ten years since I received it as a Christmas gift from my good friend who brought it to me from Germany--where she moved to over twenty years ago. Even today I still hope to collect that money; sometimes hope doesn't die, haha.
For several years I treasured this mug. I loved the material (ceramic) and texture and how it held the warmth of my black coffee every morning as I took long, leisurely sips from it, but now that I don't have it, I've discovered that what I treasured was the moment: all the greenery around, the silence and some gentle sea breeze blowing into the kitchen at home. How I miss that; if I ever see a mug like this, I think I'd buy it so I can remember it more vividly.

My comadre gave me this mug. I use for my masala chai. I love my comadre so I love everything she gives me. No need to say anything else, right? I remember when she brought this mug I was having my 45 birthday, my last birthday in that old house. I will surely remember this moment.
The coffee they bring me when I'm working is special. I will probably remember this little cup because this is the one they ususally have for me at the office when they buy my coffee at the café we have there.

I even have a magic mug, hehe. I didn't remember I had it or what kind of mug it was. I was picking up the last things needed to move house, so I was choosing which mugs to take and which ones to give away when I saw this black mug; I loved the color and the shine, but I didn't know it changed color as the temperature rose until I used it in my new home. So I think I will remember this mug for quite a while...
My favorite nephew gave me this witch mug last Christmas. I totally relate to the message. I don't believe in witchcraft, but I think where the belief comes from and I'm all for it. We are so many witches in this world and we are so good, hehe. We witches prepare delicious and powerful magic potions, coffee being one of the ones I enjoy the most. Its influence keeps people close and charms them to return. Some don't come back only because they never leave. I told you: powerful magic.

Oh, but we should know that the cup is not what matters. I hate disposable cups and more so lately since I learned how harmful they are to our health when they come in contact with the hot drinks, but oh how I treasure coffee time with my students, disposable cups and all.

I'm always ready to contemplate and appreciate a nice coffee cup and even more the good gesture of someone offering me coffee. "I's a food group" 😁 Love that 👇❤️

Do I have a favorite coffee cup?
I've had it for days--I mean a favorite coffee cup. I can spend many days, months, even years attached to the same mug. Then I leave it for a while and I might go back to it, unless it's broken, as some of us tend to go back to old habits... But always good habits, my dear coffee friends. It cannot be otherwise when it comes to a delicious cup of coffee, for me, the inexorable companion of memory, even one as bad as mine.
The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.
Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @cinnccf team!
What an awesome collection of mugs you have! It made me smile to read your memories of each one... and gasp- I always think we are the same age (I'm early 30's) and get surprised each time I remember you are older! WHAT do you use for your skin?! I must get some too!
I think the black mug was my fav, it's symbolic of how our mood changes when we finally have coffee 😂
Wishing you a beautiful Christmas and a full money jar this new year hehe 🤗 💗
Happy holidays! ♥️
I use almost anything at hand to help my memory. Mugs are so fun for this. I love coffee items; perhaps I can enlarge my collection now and use it as decoration in my new home.
😂 I guess the camera of my phone is not so good 🤣🤣🤣 But as a part-time cosmiatrician, I try to take care of myself, dear friend, or I will lose my patients, hehe. If you want me to tell you something very seriously about your skin (now that you're 30 and so have stopped or about to stop producing HGH), protect from the sun, moisturize, nourish (vitamin C, Resveratrol, etc...), use peeling solutions at high concentration 3-4 times a year (with alpha hydroxy acids), don't smoke and eat well. I don't do it to the letter, but I try. Genetics helps and so does a cheap camera 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thank you so much for dropping by ❤️
I hope that you're enjoying your new place. I can imagine the demands of moving must have been stressful, so I hope that things are settled now.
This is a lovely response to the prompt, and your cat is so stunning 😍
Happy Holidays
Moving house was stressful, especially because I had about one month to move from a 1,000 square meter house to a 40 square meter apartment. It's been a true challenge for my cats, but they're adapting well. I'm really enjoying my new home; with so little to tidy up and clean, I have time to do all the things I couldn't do before.
You're so kind to stop by ❤️ And even though I know Christmas is not your favorite time of the year, I wish you happy holidays! 😌✨
Thank you 🤗❤️🎄
What lovely memories mugs leave behind, and more than just an object, they become intimate confidants of our secrets and experiences. You have a lovely collection of mugs.
A hug and kisses for your cute kitty.😺
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕
Happy Holidays!
Happy holidays! ♥️
Thinking about that special mug as a coffee companion helps me remember things that happened so long ago. It's just wonderful.
My kitties say hi, dear friend 😁 Thank you so much for dropping by!
Mi querida Marlyn, espero hayas pasado una muy feliz navidad en armonía junto a tus seres más queridos!
Amé todas y cada una de tus tazas, pues no solo están llenas de una deliciosa bebida como lo es el café, también están llenas de recuerdos y momentos que te acompañaran por siempre.
Ciertamente, usar una taza de vidrio o cerámica es mucho más saludable para nosotros como para el medio ambiente, ya que enviamos ingerir micro plástico y contaminamos menos nuestro bello planeta 🌎
Por cierto, me encantó la primera foto en blanco y negro. Tu gata se ve majestuosa con esa pose, como para enmarcarla. Jeje!
Gracias por compartir tu contenido de calidad!
Canela es súper fotogénica a color o en monocromático. Y lo que tiene de linda lo tiene de loca 😌😸
Pasamos la Noche Buena en familia, compartiendo (¡y comiendo!). Todos bien. Espero que la hayas pasado excelentemente y que el Año Nuevo venga con paz y felicidad 🙏🏻✨
Gracias por pasar. Una abrazo!