Celebrando el primer año de vida de mi nieta Amaya Victoria / Celebrating the first year of life of my granddaughter Amaya Victoria

Hola a todos hermosa comunidad de Daily Blog, bienvenidos a mi blog.
Estamos celebrando el primer año de vida de nuestra princesa Amaya Victoria, la niña más bonita , especial e increíble que llegó a nuestras vidas para completar y prolongar nuestra familia y existencia. Hoy nuestra vida gira en torno a la niña más consentida, sonriente y cariñosa, mi nieta amada Amaya Victoria el amor más puro y pequeño que me regalaron sus padres y Nuestro Padre Creador.
Una celebración que sin duda todos compartimos con mucho entusiasmo y alegría, su mamá, papá, abuelas, abuelos, tíos, primos y algunos amiguitos.

Hello everyone beautiful Daily Blog community, welcome to my blog.
We are celebrating the first year of life of our princess Amaya Victoria, the most beautiful, special and incredible girl who came into our lives to complete and prolong our family and existence. Today our life revolves around the most spoiled, smiling and affectionate girl, my beloved granddaughter Amaya Victoria, the purest and smallest love that her parents and Our Creator Father gave me.
A celebration that without a doubt we all shared with great enthusiasm and joy, your mother, father, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, cousins ​​and some friends.


El motivo de la fiesta fue de Disney, Minnie y la pata Daisy, todo estuvo muy bonito.
Desde bien temprano empezamos a preparar todo para la ocasión, estuve muy activa, me tocó los pasapalos, los compramos listo para freír, así que pasé mi mañana friendo junto a mi suegra que es una señora mayor y vino a visitarnos.
Luego tocó arreglarnos para estar bellas para evento.

The theme of the party was Disney, Minnie and Daisy Duck, everything was very nice.
Very early we started preparing everything for the occasion, I was very active, I got the pasta, we bought them ready to fry, so I spent my morning frying with my mother-in-law who is an older lady and came to visit us.
Then we had to get ready to be beautiful for the event.





Mi niña consentida estuvo muy contenta aunque le tuvo miedo al palo de la piñata, por nada quiso tocarlo, le dieron muchos regalos, la cargaron todos, no comió chucherías porque todavía no se le puede meter azúcares pero la mami le hizo pincho de fruta .

My spoiled girl was very happy although she was afraid of the piñata stick, she didn't want to touch it for anything, they gave her many gifts, they all carried her, she didn't eat sweets because you can't put sugar in it yet but mommy made her a fruit skewer.



Hubo música, baile, juegos, rifas, muchas chucherías, pasabocas, refresco, animadores, fueron cuatro horas de mucha diversión, risas poca gente pero mucho amor, trajimos a la bisabuela para que nos acompañará en este día tan especial.
Comimos, bailamos y disfrutamos demás, mi niña también estuvo activa, pasó la tarde alegre, le gusta estar rodeada de niños, no durmió en toda la tarde.

There was music, dancing, games, raffles, lots of sweets, snacks, refreshments, entertainers, it was four hours of a lot of fun, laughter, few people but a lot of love, we brought great-grandmother to accompany us on this special day.
We ate, danced and enjoyed ourselves, my daughter was also active, she spent the afternoon happy, she likes being surrounded by children, she didn't sleep all afternoon.



Nos tocó la bendición de festejar y organizar su primera fiesta, vendrán muchas más Dios mediante, todo quedó como lo planeamos, quedamos cansados pero satisfechos y agradecidos con los que nos acompañaron y con Dios por proveernos de salud y lo necesario para poder hacer esta celebración y hacernos crear recuerdos y momentos con nuestra princesa Amaya Victoria mi primera y única nieta, sólo puedo agradecer a Dios por tú vida y pedirle que siempre te cuide y bendiga.
Agradecida siempre ♥️

We had the blessing of celebrating and organizing their first party, many more will come, God willing, everything was as planned, we were tired but satisfied and grateful to those who accompanied us and to God for providing us with health and everything necessary to be able to hold this celebration. and make us create memories and moments with our princess Amaya Victoria, my first and only granddaughter, I can only thank God for your life and ask him to always take care of you and bless you.
Always grateful ♥️




¡Gracias por leer, contenido original!

fotografías mostradas son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi .

La Versión en Inglés la realicé con el Traductor de Google.

Thank you for reading, original content!

photographs shown are my property, taken with my Redmi phone.

I made the English Version with Google Translate.


It is beautiful to see how our children have children and to see this process of life, especially to enjoy it and to be able to accompany and contribute our grain of sand in the life of these little creatures.
It is especially nice to enjoy these moments with the family, they are memories that will last forever.


That's right, dear @nitsuga12 , they are memories that will be lost forever in our hearts, greetings, thank you for stopping by 🤗


Congratulations Amaya, you are a beautiful princess.
God bless you.
My friend, everything is beautiful.
What beautiful memories you will record of your first birthday.
