To be grateful and to let go is to live || Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #4 [ENG-ESP]

To be grateful and to let go is to live
I flow in dynamism and transformation, along this path called life, I accommodate myself to the coming and going of the symbology of social relations, with encounters, but also of misunderstandings, in the inquiry of glimpsing and cultivating my essence in connection. I am an accumulation of meanings in construction and perennial reconstruction, flashes of my human ecosystem, nourished by my behaviors, values, and beliefs, exchanged in an infinite framework of facts that impregnate and permeate my doing, in order to be. This is how I present myself to the otherness, with the others, spruced up with representations and emotions, in need of collectivity, to access and feed myself in the symbology of different ways of thinking and acting, but also to contribute in the interaction.
I am not the exception, I have also had to distance myself from some friends at some point, to preserve my physical and mental health. I will talk to you in context. I met in my early professional practice, a very friendly and pleasant sociologist, she was part of my health team and we shared considerable time in our activities. I identified with her sensitivity and motivation. It was comfortable to talk to her, she was understanding and attentive. Empathy was evident, we passed the threshold of work to go to the personal field, and friendship flowed easily. Thus we moved in harmony and tuning, in the work and personal areas, also sharing our families. I had to take on new responsibilities, and we drifted apart at work, but it did not affect our friendship. They were years of a meritorious relationship, of strengthening my identity, of mutual support, a true bond of light, which increased in the interaction of knowledge, contributing to my perspective, considerable value. I would be ungrateful if I did not thank her for her transit through my existence, much to recognize.
The factors, weak and petty actions, lacking honesty, that began to erode our friendship, using my condition as a doctor, to obtain favors and strengthen their relationships with other people. This scenario has an analogy with a popular saying (proverb), in my country, Venezuela, that says: "To gain indulgences with someone else's scapular". This was really the situation and in me, negative emotions did not take long to make an appearance and visited me assiduously, anger knocked at the door and the contrariness accompanied it. I tried to flow, out of "complacency", to pretend that nothing was happening, but I also failed, I recognize my fault, I did not know how to handle the situation from the beginning, and I erred by not handling sincerity properly at the time, by setting limits, clumsily although I moved in the recursion in my thoughts, I could not find the words to express myself.
With each passing day, the frequency of his demands increased and made it difficult for me to keep my schedule and activities. Finally, he no longer contacted me but sent me directly to people who went on his behalf. Thus, the contradictions inside me were increasing, the muscular contractions were taking their toll on my body, my sleep was no longer restful, I felt anger and dissatisfaction, signs and physical expressions of revolt, for not expressing myself, demanding respect for my space and for our valuable friendship. My equilibrium wobbled, indifferent to my needs, to my times, only anguish invaded me. Until I exploded like a cartridge and revealed myself, I marked my distance, recovering my vital space, sacrificing our friendship. I tried several times to recover the friendship, but the glass had already been broken and on her part, there was resistance and denial, she felt offended.
This experience of life contributed to diverse abstractions, I share them with you: I need to strengthen my communication, to express without fear what I do not like, without hurting, but also with the endorsement to dissent and defend my feelings as a necessity at appropriate times, establishing limits, without negotiating my independence, strengthening my self-esteem and my security. To fertilize and cultivate with eagerness and commitment, the precious value of friendship, in the social network, with authenticity and gratification, because we are social beings, it is our essence, our sustenance by nature. And finally consider that if it is not feasible to retake the friendship that is in trouble, assume with gallantry and without remorse the distance, but with sincerity and much love to thank all the lessons learned as imprints of life, from the understanding, with the liberation that forgiveness grants, let go and continue our journey to live and not just exist, that is the plan.
Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #4
Have you had to walk away from a friendship to preserve your inner peace? Describe the factors and reflections that impacted this decision.
July 03, 2024

Agradecer y dejar ir, es vivir
Fluyo en dinamismo y transformación, por esta senda llamada vida, me acomodo al ir y venir de la simbología de las relaciones sociales, con encuentros, pero también de desencuentros, en la indagación de vislumbrar y cultivar mi esencia en conexión. Soy un cúmulo de significaciones en construcción y reconstrucción perenne, destellos de mi ecosistema humano, nutrido por mis comportamientos, valores y creencias, canjeados en un entramado infinito de hechos que impregnan y permean mi hacer, para ser. Es así que me presento a la alteridad, con los otros, acicalada de representaciones y emociones, necesitada de colectividad, para acceder y alimentarme en la simbología de diferentes formas de pensar y actuar, pero también para contribuir en la interacción.
No soy la excepción, yo también he tenido que distanciarme de algunos amigos en algún momento, para preservar mi salud física y mental. Les hablaré en contexto. Conocí en mis inicios de ejercicio profesional, una socióloga muy simpática y agradable, formaba parte de mi equipo de salud y compartíamos considerable tiempo en nuestras actividades. Me identifiqué con su sensibilidad y motivación. Me era cómodo dialogar con ella, era comprensiva y atenta. La empatía era evidente, traspasamos el umbral de lo laboral para ir al terreno personal, fluyendo la amistad con facilidad. Así transitamos en armonía y sintonía, en lo laboral y personal, compartiendo también nuestras familias. Me correspondió asumir nuevas responsabilidades, nos distanciamos en el trabajo, pero no afectó nuestra amistad. Fueron años de una relación meritoria, de fortalecimiento de mi identidad, de apoyo mutuo, un verdadero vínculo de luz, que acrecentó en la interacción de saberes, aportando a mi perspectiva, considerable valía. Sería ingrata, si no le agradeciera su tránsito por mi existencia, mucho que reconocer.
Los factores, acciones débiles y mezquinas, carentes de honestidad, que comenzaron a erosionar nuestra amistad, utilizando mi condición de médico, para obtener favores y fortalecer sus relaciones con otras personas. Este escenario tiene una analogía con un dicho popular (refrán), en mi país, Venezuela, que dice: "Ganar indulgencias con escapulario ajeno". Esta era realmente la situación y en mí, las emociones negativas no tardaron en hacer acto de presencia y me visitaron con asiduidad, la ira llamó a la puerta y la contrariedad la acompañó. Intenté fluir, por "complacencia", hacer como que no pasaba nada, pero también fracasé, reconozco mi culpa, no supe manejar la situación desde el principio, erré al no manejar adecuadamente la sinceridad en su momento, al poner límites, torpemente aunque me movía en recursividad en mis pensamientos, no encontraba las palabras para expresarme.
Con cada día que transcurría, la frecuencia de sus exigencias se incrementaba y me dificultaba cumplir mis horarios y actividades. Por último, ya no me contactaba, me enviaba directamente a las personas, que iban en su nombre. Así, las contradicciones en mi interior iban en aumento, las contracturas musculares hacían estragos en mi cuerpo, mi sueño ya no era reparador, sentía enojo e insatisfacción, signos y expresiones físicas de la sublevación, por no expresarme y exigir respeto a mi espacio y a nuestra valiosa amistad.Mi equilibrio tambaleaba, indiferente a mis necesidades, a mis tiempos, solo la angustia me invadía. Hasta que exploté como un cartucho y me revelé, marqué mi distancia, recuperando mi espacio vital, sacrificando nuestra amistad. Intenté varias veces recuperar la amistad, pero ya el cristal se había roto y por su parte hubo resistencia y negación, se sintió ofendida.
Esta experiencia de vida, aportó diversas abstracciones, las comparto con ustedes: Necesito fortalecer mi comunicación, para expresar sin temor lo que no me gusta, sin herir, pero también con el aval de discrepar y defender mi sentir como necesidad en tiempos oportunos, estableciendo límites, sin negociar mi independencia, afianzando mi autoestima y mi seguridad. Abonar y cultivar con afán y compromiso, el valor preciado de la amistad, en el entramado social, con autenticidad y gratificación, porque somos seres sociales, es nuestra esencia, nuestro sustento por naturaleza. Y finalmente considerar, que si no es viable retomar la amistad que se encuentra en aprieto, asumir con gallardía y sin remordimientos el alejamiento, eso sí con sinceridad y mucho amor agradecer todas las lecciones aprendidas como improntas de vida, desde la comprensión, con la liberación que otorga el perdón, dejar ir y continuar nuestro trayecto para vivir y no solo existir, ese es el plan.
Esta es mi respuesta a la interrogante del
Mensaje reflexivo del jueves N.° 4
¿Tuviste que alejarte de una amistad para preservar tu paz interior? Describe los factores y reflexiones que influyeron en esta decisión.
03 de julio de 2024

All content is my own unless it is specifically expressed
Translations are done with DeepL Free Edition
Grammar/Spelling checked with Grammarly Free Edition and Google Docs Spellcheck

Todo el contenido es mío a menos que se exprese específicamente
Las traducciones se realizan con DeepL Edición gratuita
Gramática y ortografía revisadas con Grammarly Edición gratuita y Google Docs Corrector ortográfico

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It is always worthwhile to reflect and find light in this community, through the socialization of experiences that contribute to life, thank you @thoughtfulposts team !HUG !LUV
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deference and appreciation !LUV !PIZZA

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Hello dear Soul of Light, friend @wesphilbin, nourishing and enriching reflection that you express and share with us. We are emotionality, it is what allows us to see others, in the socialization to interconnect. In the process of discovery, intentionality can overlap in obscurantism, but the moment comes when the gap is perceived, because there is no vibration or link, there is presence, but it does not match the feeling, that is where the fallacy is revealed, the cavil is opened to understanding, sharpening the look and emerging the framework of facts, all threads of the same tapestry, with its own style of weaving. The teaching has arrived, gratify the learning and continue, release what binds us in negativity and flow, there will always be better things to come, that is inescapable !HUG !LUV !PIZZA
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @marilour.
Thank you so much @hive-113115 team, appreciate the support. My gratitude to you !LUV !PIZZA
Congratulations you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency
Thank you so much @ahmedhayat for your kindness distilled in the energy of your kind words. Thanks to you and the @ecency team for the support, appreciated !LUV !PIZZA
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Thank you very much @hispapro team for your attention and courtesy, dear !LUV !PIZZA
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Only opportunity for the positive @marilour, life is beautiful and we should not waste it !HUG !LUV !LADY !LOTUS
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Thank you very much @almajandra for your visit and your words, appreciated !LUV !LADY !PIZZA
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To let go is just taking things Simple and do not overstressed ourselves over things, yes, we should all forgive, forgiveness smoothing things and make us has a happy time in our life.
Hello @repayme4568 it is a pleasure to meet you in this interaction, in unison thank you for your valuable contribution to socialization, the simple is of great value if we learn to recognize it, we often spend our lives making plans leaving aside the happiness of the simple. The depth of your contribution is in assimilating and raising awareness of forgiveness, only then will we free ourselves from ties that far from benefiting us, slow us down in our evolution. It has been a pleasure until another time !LUV !PIZZA
Wow! @marilour what a nice writing you have sent out here, thanks so much, I appreciate, have a blissful weekend 🥰🙏
Thank you very much.
You are welcome.
Thank you so much @wesphilbin and Minnow support project, appreciate the support. My gratitude to you !HUG !LUV !PIZZA !LOTUS
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