Lo maravilloso que es tener a mi abuelo 🤶// How wonderful it is to have my grandfather 🤶.
Feliz inicio de semana mis amigos de @family-friends espero que se encuentren muy bien llenos de salud y bendiciones hoy quiero hablarles de lo maravilloso que es tener junto a mí a mi abuelo🤶.
Happy start of the week my friends of @family-friends I hope you are very well full of health and blessings today I want to talk to you about how wonderful it is to have my grandfather🤶 next to me.
Mi abuelo 🤶 es una de mis personas favoritas tiene 82 años y es una gran persona es bastante sabía y un poco testarudo qué siempre quiere tener la razón de todo aunque sepa que no es así 🙈, es un hombre que le gusta sembrar🎋🌴 y pescar 🚣🐟 pues tuvo muchos años dedicados a la agricultura y a la pesca así que cada vez que viene me trae todo tipo de hortalizas 🥕🌽 porque dice que debo de dejar de comer pan🥖 que eso no alimenta jajajajjaja y me hace sopas de pescado 🍲 qué son muy ricas ninguna como la de él🤤.
My grandfather 🤶 is one of my favorite people he is 82 years old and he is a great person he is quite knowledgeable and a bit stubborn what always wants to be right about everything even though he knows he is not 🙈, he is a man who likes to sow🎋🌴 and fish 🚣🐟 as he had many years dedicated to farming and fishing so every time he comes he brings me all kinds of vegetables 🥕🌽 because he says I should stop eating bread🥖 that doesn't feed hahahahahahaha and he makes me fish soups 🍲 which are very rich none like his🤤.
Mi abuelo 🤶a pesar de siempre ser un hombre de carácter fuerte, conmigo siempre ha sido un amor💞🥰 y siempre me dice palabras muy sabias, recuerdo hace años me dijo antes de dar un paso importante en tu vida siempre piensa muy bien y reflexiona sobre lo que harás, a pesar de no vivir junto a mi abuelo y no tenerlo tan cerca, siempre aprendía cuando estaba junto a él era como un libro de historia jajaja era mi mejor profesor 👨🏫.
My grandfather 🤶despite always being a man of strong character, with me he has always been a love💞🥰 and always tells me very wise words, I remember years ago he told me before taking an important step in your life always think very well and reflect on what you will do, despite not living next to my grandfather and not having him so close, I always learned when I was next to him was like a history book hahaha he was my best teacher 👨🏫.
Mi abuelo 🤶 es super divertido para todo siempre saca un chiste y muchas sonrisas😆, ya mi abuelo está viejito🤶 los años han pasado pero el dice que el es duro como el roble (risas) mis hijos lo adoran incluso el pequeño Ethan se parece mucho a él en su carácter y yo lo llamo alcidito 😆, mi abuelo siempre está con mi abuela así que cuando secuestro a mi abuela por unos días vive llamándola jajajjaja a él no le gusta salir de su casa el ama su pueblito donde el es libre como el viento va a sembrar sus hortalizas, juega domino con sus amigos se acuesta en una hamaca a descansar bajo una mata de mango el dice que esa tranquilidad no la cambia por nada y el ruido y encierro de las ciudades no les gusta para nada.
My grandpa 🤶 he is super funny for everything he always brings out a joke and lots of smiles😆, now my grandpa is old🤶 the years have passed but he says he is tough as nails (laughs) my kids love him even little Ethan is very much like him in his character and I call him alcidito 😆, my grandfather is always with my grandmother so when he kidnapped my grandmother for a few days he calls her hahahahaha he doesn't like to leave his house he loves his little town where he is free like the wind he goes to plant his vegetables, he plays dominoes with his friends he lies in a hammock to rest under a mango tree he says he wouldn't change that tranquility for anything and he doesn't like the noise and confinement of the cities at all.
Agradezco a Dios por el abuelo que me dio es uno de los tesoros más valiosos de mi vida 🤗 y espero tenerlo muchísimo años más para que mis hijos también disfruten de el, mi hija Nina lo adora baila con el y la última vez que lo vio le dijo que se portara bien para que el hada de los dientes ya no se llevara más sus dientes porque no le quedan muchos jajajjaja cada vez que ve a mi abuelo se pone a jugár con el y inventa unas cosas que no sabemos de donde las saca, ella ama jugar a que es odontologa y le dice abre la boca huy noo te dije que no comieras muchas chupetas ya no tienes dientes todos se los ha llevalo el hada de los dientes o el ratón Pérez y mi abuelo le dice si mija ese ratón es muy travieso jajajajjaja, muero de risas con ellos😆😆.
I thank God for the grandfather he gave me, he is one of the most valuable treasures of my life 🤗 and I hope to have him for many more years so that my children can also enjoy him, my daughter Nina loves him, she dances with him and the last time she saw him she told him to behave well so the tooth fairy would not take her teeth anymore because she does not have many left hahahahaha every time she sees my grandfather she starts to play with him and invents some things that we do not know where she gets them from, she loves to play that she is a dentist and tells him open your mouth huy noo I told you not to eat too many lollipops you don't have any more teeth, the tooth fairy or the tooth fairy has taken them all away and my grandfather says yes mija that mouse is very naughty hahahahahahaha, I die laughing with them😆😆.
Ahora me toca despedirme mis queridos amigos espero sea de su agrado esta publicación y se animen a contarme sus experiencias con sus abuelos aquí abajo en la bandeja de comentarios nos vemos pronto en una próxima oportunidad les envío un fuerte abrazo enorme del tamaño de un oso inmenso 🐻.
Now it's my turn to say goodbye my dear friends I hope you like this publication and I encourage you to tell me about your experiences with your grandparents down here in the comments box see you soon in a next opportunity I send you a big hug the size of a huge bear 🐻.
Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es amplia-mente original del autor, cualquier duda y recopilación del mismo, deben hacer mención de mi persona.
All the content found in this publication is largely original by the author, any doubt and compilation thereof, must make mention of me.
Wow these pictures are amazing. Elders are like a umbrella. They prevent and preserve us as umbrella prevent us with rain and sun. It's beautiful to see you groom
Having a grandfather who's 82 and is still able is a great blessing nowadays. Based on the photos, you did enjoy and had fun. And your grandparents look good together. They must have been so in love with each other that it never fades with time. 😊 Indeed, this is a quality time with family.
That's right my friend they are unique and unforgettable moments thanks for reading my publication a big hug.
Hola amiga es genial que tengas a tu abuelito ☺️