[ESP-ENG] Fun Carnival Week at School!!! 🥳🪅✨
Hola Comunidad de Motherhood!💫
Está semana de carnaval fue increíble para los niños en el colegio, mi princesa Lucia estuvo llena de actividades súper divertidas que la llenaron de mucha alegría tanto a ella como a sus compañeros, fueron 5 días consecutivos cargados de diversión absoluta, color, baile y muchas sonrisas, por lo que hoy les comparto esta maravillosa experiencia! 🥳
Hi Motherhood Community 💫 This week of carnival was amazing for the kids at school, my princess Lucia was full of super fun activities that filled her and her classmates with joy, it was 5 consecutive days full of absolute fun, color, dance and lots of smiles, so today I share with you this wonderful experience! 🥳
In the school where Lucia studies they have the particularity of preparing many recreational activities for the children, especially on special dates like Christmas, Easter or in this case Carnival. For this week of carnival they planned 5 days full of fun activities, starting on Monday with the coronation of the girls that I already shared in a previous post and also a cooking activity where they made chocolate chip cookies and of course they wore their mini Chef uniform with apron, hat and even an oven mitt.

For Tuesday they had to wear masks and fun accessories, so Lucia put on her crown and a fuchsia heroine type mask, as well as Hawaiian necklaces and bracelets with flowers. On Wednesday the activity consisted of wearing colorful shoes so Lucia and I got down to work, we took a white and a black shoe and decorated them with stickers and colorful glitter, we wrote her name on one and a smiley face on the other, they looked great and Lucia loved them, the best part is that she was participating in the whole process of decorating her shoes and that made this activity super special.

Thursday was the day of crazy socks, here Lucia asked me for some panda socks, it was really a while to decorate these socks because I am not very skilled in crafts but in order to please my princess I did my best effort, I put hair with pipe cleaner, red bows and moving eyes, they were super cute and the best thing was that she loved them.

En el colegio la mayoría de sus compañeros de clases asistieron con sus disfraces, habían superhéroes, heroínas, princesas, villanas, dinosaurios y hasta los protagonistas del juego del calamar jajaja, por supuesto disfrutaron de música, diversión, golosinas y un pastel divino y muy bello!
Friday was the most fun and expected day for the kids because it was the carnival party, here they could go to school with costumes so my princess Lucia wore her Luli Pampin outfit, I put her pink synthetic hair and a very simple makeup with crystals, she looked beautiful. 😍 At school most of her classmates attended with their costumes, there were superheroes, heroines, princesses, villains, dinosaurs and even the protagonists of the squid game hahaha, of course they enjoyed music, fun, candy and a divine and beautiful cake!
Sincerely the school week was spectacular, my princess enjoyed it to the fullest and I was happy to see her so happy, I thank God for allowing me to enjoy those moments with my baby and I ask Him daily to take care of her and bless her every day of her life so that she continues to grow up healthy and above all very happy! As always it was a pleasure to share our experiences with you! 💞 Thank you for reading me! 😃 See you very soon! 💫

Nota : Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi teléfono celular Redmi Note 10, editadas con la App Inshot y Canva. Traductor empleado: DeepL. / All images are my own taken with my Redmi Note 10 cell phone, edited with the Inshot and Canva App. Translator used: DeepL.
Qué hermosa semana llena de alegría para tu niña, me encantó todas estas ideas de actividades realizadas por día brindándole la oportunidad a cada uno de los niños de expresar su creatividad junto a su mami.
Amiga estuvo genial está semana de carnaval en el colegio, de verdad la disfrutamos muchísimo! me encantan estás actividades donde podemos compartir juntas 💖 Saludos 😊
que lindos con sus disfraces, disfrutan mucho!
Se veían bellos y estaban todos felices! Saludos 💖
Qué bonita estuvo esa actividad se ve que la pasaron increíble, y que papel tan fundamental y importante jugamos nosotras como madres en esos momentos .☺️
Hola!!! Siii realmente fue muy divertido y bonito todo, los niños felices y yo más viendo a mi hija tan contenta. Saludos
Que linda semana y divertida para los niños, las medias te quedaron lindas.