What motivates our solidarity actions?


Money or generosity?

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is From the heart.


"Generosity is not about giving what you have left, but about giving what you need."
<< Khalil Gibran >>

Image fron John Hain at Pixabay

Doing things from the heart implies having a feeling, having empathy for someone. I think there are several examples that can be applied to this. Personally I deal with the topic from the angle of love.

When a boy tries to win the love of a woman, generally what he does is find out or investigate what things that girl likes: her preferences, the perfumes she may like, the clothes she likes to wear, what she likes, that she likes to eat.

And this person is obviously going to do everything possible to make that girl like him and he does it from the heart, there is the question: if he obviously does it from the heart because he wants to win the love of that person, he wants to win the heart of that person.

Now there is obviously the interest, the interest here in this case is to be well, to progress as a human being by having a partner, a companion who helps you move forward in life.

So even though there is an intention here, that man, that boy is doing things from the heart. Now we contrast this with two things: with the intention and the impact that that action will have.

Because that person's intention in doing, in making this girl fall in love with him, has intrinsic value for him.

He is feeling satisfied on a personal level for having achieved the love of that girl, for being gallant with that girl.

So the mere fact that he feels good about conquering that girl makes him feel good.

So there in lies the importance of that intention.

But we also have to see the importance of the impact.

Falling in love with that girl or being gallant and offering her all that amount of things is also good for that girl because it will highlight her ego, it will make her feel feminine, it will make her feel desired and that will contribute to that girl.

Girl feels good about herself, feels important, feels valued.

So in this aspect, the impact that this boy is having on the other person's life is important and has a lot of influence.


Image from Alexa at Pixabay

Now of course there is the other side of the coin, which most of the publications on this topic are focusing on, at least the ones I have read lately.

And that is the topic of influencers, these people who seek to gain followers, and make noise demonstrating the donations they have made.

We have the biggest and most important case that I cannot fail to mention, which is that of Mr Beast, who has a YouTube channel with a large number of followers, let's say he is the biggest YouTuber in the world today (308 Millions of followers at the moment).

Now what happens with this, he is not just a person, he is an organization that is made up of the sponsorship of many companies.

Many people believe that it is just about Jimmy and it is not just him, it is a great organization, a piece that is behind him with all the chocolates and with all the sponsors who are the ones who donate the money for him to do all those challenges and to distribute so much money among so many people.

Then we must also see that these companies seek their financial benefit, they sponsor all these videos and all these initiatives that MrBeast does, because they know that this gives them free publicity, and because they know that by presenting their brand, such as Feastables, (which is the name of the chocolate that he promotes), will be advertised during all his videos and will reach a large number of people worldwide.

So this brand has very strong marketing and the chances that people who watch those videos will acquire the brand, or buy the product are very great.

Obviously companies receive a great benefit there.

But there is also something very important, that this MrBeast channel gives a large part of the rewards it receives through YouTube to its users to carry out initiatives elsewhere, to build water wells in Africa for example.


Image from Nanne Tiggelman at Pixabay

So I think there is a balance there and obviously there is social work that is being demonstrated.

I think that is the most important thing in this, finding a middle ground and showing that charity is being done from the heart and that things are being done in a good way.

As a final point, I think it is very important to know how to distinguish when a donation is made altruistically and when it is done to generate economic benefit only.

And to do this you have to know how to distinguish this, you have to analyze very deeply all the steps that that influencer or that person has taken, whether they have really done these acts out of simple generosity, because they like to do it or because they are only looking to gain followers and generate money with them.

In which case I could understand that a person is forced to gain followers solely for the sake of survival, because they live exclusively from that ,and to a certain extent I could support it and I could see it favorably.

But only the people who do it for survival reasons.

Anyone who, from my point of view, does it solely to make money and out of ambition, well obviously I would not support them.

In fact, I have a list of people labeled as influencers that I don't follow because I don't support them, because I know that they do it only to generate dividends.

And since I really know that they do it to generate dividends, it is very simple: when you see the quality of life that these people have, which is reflected in their way of dressing, it is reflected in what you see in their videos, the house What they have, the clothes they wear, the way they speak, this greatly reflects education and access to certain important things in each person's life that demonstrate whether the person has needs or not.

Obviously a person who does not have the resources to go to school or to have access to the internet, is not going to be dressed well and most likely will not be very well educated.

Although this is relative, but generally in the majority of cases it happens that a person who does not have access to the internet or education, does not have a really rich language and above all does not show that he is well dressed.

And these types of things for me are indicators or factors that I take into account to support or not support this type of influencer, or this type of person.

And I hope that this contribution to Hive Learners helps you to find a middle ground, and above all to learn how, from my point of view, I swear when an influencer does charity work, that it is worthwhile and that they deserve my support and when No.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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The text dividers were made by me using aseprite

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I am of the opinion that in the case of doing good to someone, the saying "what my right hand does, my left hand does not know" should be followed. In other words, I believe that generosity is not only shown by giving, but also by not expecting anything. Not even a good public image. The fact that there is a youtuber who invests in social projects, makes me question the purpose of these projects: is it generosity or is it interest to promote a brand. Surely the people who receive the help don't care, but I do care.

A big hug @manclar.


Yes, probably the needy people who received new houses with water and internet service in Afica care little about the interests of that company. But I want to believe that at the end of the day that corporation did good, and that it is saving many lives, maybe I am romanticizing it but it seems to me that it is worth doing it, for the greater good.

And I know closely your generosity, not only towards me, but to other people who have helped each other intensely, to the extent that you can, and I am very proud of that, to be your friend and to know that very valuable aspect of Your person, who I think is missing for many people, especially the Hispanic community.

So thank you, on behalf of all those who do not give it to you, and those who forget to do so, I am sure that you have earned a very special place within the mycelial network 😀

"Pedazo de árbol que eres" (estoy terminando el post comeflor de mañana, es una carta a mi mismo, a lo mejor te sorprende).


I only know of one case where a person has behaved miserably after I helped them, I'm 55 years old, it's not that many people. And miserable people, when you are not rich and you can afford it, in the end it goes bad. Or so I want and like to think, my dear cat.

Estoy atento a la carta...


Wow, that's too bad, I hope you tell me later in private about who that person is, because I'm not sure I know who that person is. And people have their passions, ambition in general I think usually ends badly, or at least that's what I've seen in my experience.

La carta ya esta terminada, ando con el maquetado del post, y la imagen de IA.


Sacrifices often costs us much and similar is kind gestures which are done not necessarily out of convenience. Interests often come with impacts especially when the actions are done for genuine reasons.

I believe the balance via the social work in the YouTube example is an appreciable impact the influencer is making .


Balance is what makes the difference. And regarding YouTubers, well that depends, you have to look at them with a magnifying glass, because the truth is, not everything that glitters is gold, my dear doctor.


A distinction that I make is, I like it when someone's video inspires me to do things too, or gives me faith in humanity. But I don't like when they are shoving a camera in someone's face like, "if you want this meal you have to agree to have you at probably your lowest, on the street, feeling terrible, put online for the world to see." It's exploitative and disrespectful. Or the ones who "test" them first, by asking a homeless person for money, and they give them their last dollar, and THEN they "reward" them with more money. Just give them money. You don't have to test if a stranger who is hungry and homeless will give you what little they have to be deemed "worthy." I wouldn't blame them for not giving you what little they have, they need it.


I totally agree with you, the world needs more empathy, and fewer influencers.


The things done to earn some impact are not wasted Weather if it's to impress someone or to gain public credibility. But what if they are done altruistically like Humanity would be benefited but your invisible heart no matter involved or not will remain hidden. In the case of YouTuber example I feel no matter if the companies have intention of publicity or economic stability in the end people are benefited. Impressive thoughts by the way🫰💕


Yes, I suppose that in the long run what matters is the general well-being obtained. And my way of thinking is because I am a transhumanist focused on the philosophy of existentialism, although I also follow the currents of stoicism and minimalism. I have become accustomed to philosophizing and analyzing things. I am very honored by your words and I thank you eloquently :)
