The story behind lanky hair
A young person has just woken up and is looking at her reflection in the mirror with an amused smile as her hair stands untidy on her head.
(AI Art).

Every day was the same, the routine after waking up was to wait for about 30 seconds for my eyes to adjust to the environment. I had read in various publications that it was very important to allow the brain to adapt to the environment, as suddenly waking up and immediately getting up could cause cerebrovascular damage, leading to an aneurysm pumping blood to the brain and causing an immediate cardiovascular accident. So, every day, she would stand at the edge of her bed, wait a minute, and look at herself in the mirror. Her hair was all messy and wavy.
Despite living in a part of the world where she was surrounded by poverty and many shortcomings, one of those places that are forgotten by society and the world culture in some corner of ancient Africa, she was a young girl who always looked to the future with joy. With her messy hair, she would make little curls or buns. She would then put on her sandals, made of leather from animals that had died from lack of water, as the conditions where she lived were very extreme. There was no access to water, and it was very difficult to maintain livestock and their young. Only families with high status could afford it.
Thinking about all this, she would get up with great joy, put on her sandals, and wear her tunic, which she had inherited from her older sister before she managed to get a stroke of luck and study at the University of London, as destiny had favored her with a scholarship. She was the most important person in the village because of this event that had happened to her. However, our protagonist did not have the same luck, but she had the spirit to move forward. She would repeat to herself every day that if her sister could do it, she could too.
Full of dreams, she would write every day in the sand of her house because the floor where they lived was not cemented. There was not enough money to pour a cement floor, and whatever little they had was spent on clothes that were necessary to endure the high nighttime temperatures and sometimes on purchasing wood that they needed to cook the few meals they could find and to light up the night.
And so, even though she had messy hair when she woke up, this girl was an example for all the children living in these places, and despite their difficulties, they see the world in a positive way. Undoubtedly, they are an example for the current society and for many of us
This is my participation in @mariannewest's daily free writing challenge. Today's prompt is bed hair.
Todos los días era lo mismo, la rutina luego de despertarme era guardar unos 30 segundos para que mis ojos se adaptasen al ambiente. Había leído en varias publicaciones que era muy importante permitir que el cerebro se adaptara al medio ambiente, ya que despertarse repentinamente y pararse inmediatamente podía causar daños cerebrovasculares, haciendo que un aneurisma bombease al cerebro y causando un accidente cardiovascular inmediato. Entonces, ella todos los días se paraba al borde de su cama, esperaba un minuto y se miraba en el espejo. Sus cabellos estaban todos ondulados y desgarbados.
A pesar de vivir en un lugar del mundo donde le tocó nacer rodeada de mucha pobreza y muchas carencias, uno de esos lugares que están olvidados de la sociedad y de la cultura mundial en algún rincón del África antigua, ella era una chica joven y siempre miraba al futuro con alegría. Con sus cabellos desgarbados, se hacía una especie de rulos o moñitos. Se ponía enseguida sus sandalias, que estaban hechas de cuero de animales que habían muerto por no beber agua, ya que las condiciones donde ella vive son muy extremas. No hay acceso al agua y es muy difícil mantener las crías y el ganado por estos lados. Solo las familias de alto golengo podían permitírselo.
Pensando todo esto, ella se levantaba con mucha alegría, se ponía sus sandalias, vestía su túnica que había heredado de su hermana mayor antes de lograr irse con un golpe de suerte a estudiar en la universidad de Londres, ya que el destino la había favorecido con la oportunidad de tener una beca. Era la persona más importante del pueblo por este suceso que le había ocurrido. Sin embargo, nuestra protagonista no tenía la misma suerte, pero sí los ánimos de salir adelante. Se repetía constantemente a diario que si su hermana lo había podido lograr, ella también lo haría.
Llena de sueños, escribiendo todos los días en la arena de su casa porque el piso donde ellos habitaban no era de cemento. No había suficiente dinero para poder tirar un piso de cemento, lo poco que había se gastaba en ropas que eran necesarias para vestirse y soportar las altas temperaturas nocturnas, y en ocasiones en comprar madera que necesitaban para poder cocinar los pocos alimentos que conseguían y para alumbrarse en horas de la noche.
Y así, aunque tuviera su pelo desgarbado al levantarse, esta niña era el ejemplo de todos los niños que viven en estos lugares, y a pesar de sus dificultades, ven al mundo de una manera positiva. Sin lugar a duda, son un ejemplo para toda la sociedad actual y para muchos de nosotros.
Esta es mi participación en el desafío diario de escritura libre de @mariannewest. El prompt de hoy es pelo desgarbado.
The header image is created using leonardo.aiand has a link to their official website. The separators and the signature were made using and are entirely my own.