The Future of Finance: Why Cryptocurrencies Are the Solution We Need



"The future of money is digital, decentralized, and transparent."

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Crypto Alone".

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"Crypto is the bridge between traditional finance and the digital economy."
<< Unknown >>


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Hello dear and loyal readers of my blog,

Today, I’m going to talk to you about a very interesting topic titled Crypto Only.

With all the technology we’ve seen advancing in social media and the digital world, moving from the Web 2.0 stage—which includes all social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and so on—to Web 3.0, the world of decentralization, cryptocurrencies, and digital transfers, there’s been significant progress. This became especially clear when we saw the impact of being able to work remotely during the coronavirus pandemic.

We’ve found that working digitally with cryptocurrencies is truly a solution for our world. How many people were able to continue generating income comfortably from home, receiving payments digitally? A lot. This was a great solution.

I see it as a great alternative, and I honestly believe the world could rely solely on crypto transactions, mainly because there are no fees to pay to any bank or third party. Transactions made with cryptocurrencies depend solely on us. They are under our control and governed by a smart contract that is immutable and cannot be altered.

This would make transactions visible and transparent, so if a government is using money to make transactions, we can clearly see each and every one of those transactions made by their wallets.

This is because the foundation of cryptocurrency and blockchain is precisely that all operations are transparent. You can see which wallet the money comes from, where it’s going, and how it’s being used.


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I think this would be a very interesting implementation because, beyond this, there would be no banking institutions charging fees for transactions or for holding your money.

This is ideal.

I don’t believe this will lead to a system of anarchy or chaos—quite the opposite.

People will gradually embrace and accept these technologies.

Currently, we are in an early stage, or what we could call a beta phase, of adopting these technologies, and progressively, this will become more and more widespread.

In my country, we can already see a strong trend of acceptance. For example, through Hive and in various commercial establishments, using Distriutor and paying with HBD, we can make purchases of essential products, food, and even pay for services in some cases.

We’re experiencing a major boom, with nearly 500 businesses already adopting payments in cryptocurrency, specifically in Hive and HBD.

This is very important because transactions are fast, have no fees, and don’t require a banking institution to monitor your money.

This is very interesting because it’s done anonymously. They don’t know how much money you’re spending or who you are. All that’s visible is that “X” person or “X” wallet made a purchase of food, coffee, or whatever, using a cryptocurrency wallet.


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This is a huge step forward.

Additionally, not carrying physical cash is a major advantage. With physical money, you’re exposed to theft, but with digital money, you avoid this.

You can’t be physically robbed; no thief can steal your money.

I find these new technologies very useful, and I believe we should adopt them quickly. I know that over time, more and more people will have access to this.

We could even create funding programs for people in need through crypto.

For example, people could receive donations from important individuals without knowing who they are, and this would be great because the sponsor would remain anonymous.

This would avoid conflicts, as people wouldn’t be able to ask that person for money directly. Instead, they could donate anonymously from their wallet and help people around the world through cryptocurrencies.

Transfers would happen instantly, without the long waiting times we currently experience with banks, where transferring money from one country or bank to another can take up to a week. With digital currency, the transfer happens immediately.

So, there are far more advantages than disadvantages, and I believe we should work hard toward global adoption of cryptocurrencies.

I think this is something very good for all of humanity.

This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).

Visit the Neon Strike discord, the game of the future today! (Discord)


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We are gradually moving to the crypto world where crypto will take over finally, now people prefer saving through crypto because of its transparency and security.


Yes, I hope you quickly adopt worldwide to gain interest in Crypto, so we have our benefits too. Little by little we are moving forward, it is the best option.


It's better to make use of the opportunity now


Wow... This is quite impressive. Brazil is already utilizing HBD in regular markets and day-to-day living. That's quite good. Here, we still have to convert it to fiat, especially because crypto is banned by our government. And as such, you can't use it as a model of legal transaction.
The moon really is the limit when it comes to crypto.


Here through Distriator we already have more than 500 businesses that accept HBD/Hive to pay food and things, but many more are needed. I hope you get the adoption crypto in Brazil too, which is very important and you have a printed amount of inhabitants, so it is very important that they adopt it!


I can only pray and hope that we get there some day.


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Cryptocurrencies are indeed the future of finance. What it actually offers is second to none, there's transparency, security, and efficiency. I personally love how you highlighted certain things like anonymous donations, instant transfers and all.
Your country's adoption of cryptocurrency payments is impressive. We really need to be glad of such growth and also work towards a global adoption. I believe education and awareness would help overcome the hesitations and help everyone embrace it.
Thank you so much for sharing this, can't wait to see how tech evolve to better and improve lives.


Here we have advanced a lot with the crypts, but only in the province because in the capital there are not so many businesses that accept crypts, and the challenge is to achieve it. We are working on that, but it is quite hard and difficult, it requires a lot of talk and conversation with business owners.


I understand the challenge you're facing, but that despite all, theres progress is a good thing to hear. You must have been doing a lot of work in persuading and convincing them all to adopt this (crypto)payment.


Pienso que ya hay muchas elites que quieren controlar este sistema que beneficia a muchos, los mercaderes de la política sufren cuando no pueden meter la mano y tener el control total de algún beneficio que la sociedad vaya construyendo con autogestión de manera descentralizada. Esperemos que siga el avance cada día más y se merme la hegemonía de unos pocos sobre las mayorías


The Government is one that wants to put hands in commissions and taxes on cryptocurrencies, hope that they never succeed ... because if not, we will be screwed


As AI rapidly develops and becomes smarter, it can replace jobs. People will use less labor. People who do not have the potential will become a burden for the government to take care of. People who are ready will enter the financial market, learn to invest, and make money work for them. Lifestyles will change. Crypto is the solution to bridge these gaps and gaps. The internet is a technology that helps reduce centralization and inequality. But as time goes by, everything will be centralized and monopolized again, such as Google, Facebook. And to return to distribution and reduce inequality, crypto is the solution. And when people have more knowledge, it will eventually become a part of life.


I do not believe that AI replaces the human factor, humans are always going to have a very large plus on machines, and it is the emotional part, feeling. I honestly see the Crypto adoption as the necessary change for everything, to end poverty and inequality. But I agree with you, as the times advance, the cycles are repeated, and it is very likely that we end up making the mistakes of the past. Hopefully we learn the lessons and do not end up damaging everything, as we always do ...


This is interesting, as I have been reading about people living without banks, and as I start my journey with credit unions ... this article is the third of this type that I have recently read ... so I take it that this is information I am supposed to be receiving RIGHT NOW!


Well if the info reaches your hands, it is because the universe is sending you clear signs? 😀 The crypts are the future, and I honestly believe that those who adopt and know how to develop in different blockchains, we will have advantage over those who are learning. And we must take advantage of opportunities, because we are the pioneers.


The future is digital, I have no doubt. But you know I'm not a professional optimist. It will be digital and centralized. In fact, my view of BTC is that it's already a centralized project.

It's just an opinion. Big hugs @manclar.


Behind BTC it seems that this Satoshi Nakamoto controlling everything, we will never know, but what we know is that at least it is anonymous and allows to work remotely, so for many like me, it is a great alternative. In fact, if this did not exist, I would not know how to tell you that it would have been of my life, but I would surely have died a long time ago.
