Safeguarding Our Children's Digital Footprint


The digital age demands digital literacy.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is Uncensored.


"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited."
<< Plutarch >>

Photo by Fauxels

We all know that on the internet you can get any amount of content and that anyone can access the information that is online.

When it comes to children and the access to different content, I have always been clear that it is an educational part, the responsibility of parents to teach their children what kind of content they should consume, what they should look at and what they should use to sustain their children.

It is a daily task for their knowledge.

It is a task that most parents usually leave in the hands of the school. And while teachers have an important part in this task, most of the responsibility is in the hands of parents.

To educate children so that they know what kind of content they should consume. To educate children so that they know what kind of content they should visit and what kind of behavior they should have online.

Because that is another important thing. Keeping a label and a way of acting digitally is what creates a digital impression of the person. And let's say that this label or this digital behavior is what will create a digital impression of the person. It will represent the figure of the person.

So I think that despite the fact that the owners of each platform such as large social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. They do have a responsibility in terms of regulating the type of content.

Because of course it is necessary that there is a certain regulation. Since it would not be so easy. Because of course it is necessary to have nothing nice, a platform full of terrorists or people who evoke hatred.

Photo by Pixabay

It is a matter of education, that parents should work to educate their children about everything they should visit and consume.

More than anything, because a person who is educated in consuming knowledge of science, literature, poetry, art, will obviously propitiate and promote a better world. He will be surrounded by people who are from that environment.

On the other hand, if the person is dedicated only to the playful part and does not cultivate his educational part, we will probably have social networks full of people who will be dedicated only to wasting others' time and who will not build and help build a good society.

It is the basis and the reason for a better world, I am sure that we would all like to live in a technologically advanced society, where everyone can express themselves freely, without fear of being sanctioned, as is currently the case in many countries, that the person only for have a way of thinking, is censored, persecuted and tortured.

As the good dreamer that I am, I aspire to that better place, where people are free to express what they think, manifest it through the arts, painting, science, music, giving us all those literary creations full of fantastic worlds that they allow us to explore far beyond the horizons of human creativity, without fear of being silenced, of living in fear or trepidation.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



Thumbnail maded using Bing AI and edited at
The text dividers were made by me using aseprite


Very interesting all the points you mention, some of which are very important, such as alluding to the responsibility of parents in the education of their children.
On the other hand I am not a fan of technology, I think I was born in a technologically advanced world, a world with many inequalities, and with the new technologies, I look, I observe and I do not think they have changed the world for the better. And of course I also want to live in a world without fear and in which people can express themselves freely.

A big hug @manclar


If it were up to me, I would live in a world of pure nature, and I would like to be an animal, maybe a bird, but one of those big birds, a condor or something like that =). But hey, this is the world I have had to live in on this occasion, and I do my best to endure it, because lately the intrusive thoughts have made me very restless, confirming that I am very mentally disturbed.


For someone normal I know, he now tells me he is disturbed. I always thought it was the others, are you one of them?

Un saludo muy grande @manclar.


I agree with the fact that children ought to be educated about the kinda of content they consume online. There's only a little that the platform owners can do to curb many online attitude. The main thing is to have people who have been groomed to consume only contents that are useful for their personal growth and not all about entertainment or other frivolities


The platforms must have consistent policies, although it is difficult for them to be fulfilled because we all know that it is very easy to do so, the important thing is that they establish legal responsibilities, and that parents assume them.


We have a duty to protect our children from the dangers of this world, knowing that they are very vulnerable beings.


That's right, protect and educate them, because that is what they require, citizens prepared for life.
