Reevaluating Family Roles in Today's Society


The family is one of nature's masterpieces.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "To Sue Your Parent".

I will distribute 3% of the rewards obtained in this post, among the best comments, who will receive a tip when the rewards are collected.


"A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark."
<< Chinese Proverb >>


Bing AI

Hello, dear readers of my blog, I welcome you and invite you to enjoy the topic at hand.

Today, I come to talk to you about judging your relative.

The fact that a child has the right to imprison or report a relative seems to me an indication that the family is not functioning correctly. When there is enough love and understanding in a family, children would not turn against their relatives.

It is normal for a child to throw tantrums or have fits or feel dissatisfied when a parent, for example, disciplines them by taking away entertainment hours or assigning tasks that may be annoying for the child, such as studying, mowing the lawn, or tidying up their room.

We have all been children at some point in our lives and have not understood the importance of having to clean our room; we just see it as a tedious task.

I am sure that at some point we have been upset with our parents, and naturally, I do not doubt that, more often than we think, we have wanted to report or harm one of our relatives, perhaps thinking of denouncing them.

Maybe as children, we thought that the punishment or discipline imposed on us, like cleaning the room or restricting our TV or entertainment hours, was excessive and that we needed help.

It is normal and logical for this to happen.

What is not logical is that today, with the new generations that are so fragile and sensitive, this generation of millennials and "crystal kids" are so weak as not to have the criterion to defend themselves and ask their parents why they are being punished that way.


Bing AI

I believe the main duty of a relative is to educate the child for life, to explain why they are disciplining them in that way and, beyond disciplining, to make them understand that in life things have to be done correctly and that they are a child.

The parent, as a relative, the father or mother, is obliged to guide and protect them because they know what is best for them. And precisely because they are a child and innocent about life, they need guidance.

Parents will always want the best for their children.

I admit there are cases where parents can be abusive. I have been a victim of violence for over 40 years, and I know what I had to live through and endure.

Unfortunately, in my case, there were no laws at that time to protect me so I could do something about it.

Today, young people and the new generations do have laws that protect them, but they use these laws as opportunities to manipulate their parents.

So, parents who instead of having better tools to educate their children, feel afraid because now children have more rights and use them to take advantage and manipulate their parents to get things and benefits.

I have seen families where the dynamic is that the child threatens the parents by saying that if they don't buy them the clothes that are in fashion, the shoes they want, they will report them. And parents, obviously, feel pressured and give in to that pressure.


Bing AI

Additionally, all my friends in the area have either moved, passed away, or gone to another country, so I have no one to spend Christmas or these dates with here.

So, generally, what I do is enjoy these gastronomic delights, and I have a routine that consists of both December 25th and the previous days, as well as the beginning and end of the year, enjoying live cameras showing how these dates are celebrated in different parts of the world: in Russia, Germany, the United States, Japan, Tibet.

I've always found it very curious to enjoy via the internet how other cultures celebrate this date, and it's something I enjoy a lot.

My plans do not include resting.

I wish I could do it, but due to the nature of the economy of the country where I am and the way I make a living, I cannot stop working or creating content because this is the only way I manage to have sustenance and food.

If I stop producing, I won't have more food, and this is the way I spend my festive dates, celebrating by working and watching the celebrations I mentioned in other parts of the world.

This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).

Visit the Neon Strike discord, the game of the future today! (Discord)


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The text dividers were made by me using aseprite
Post translated from spanish to english using Microsoft Copilot


It is normal to deny our children some benefits in other to shape their lives, but that doesn't mean we don't love them, there is a clear difference between discipline and abuse, in my opinion, suing your parents as a child is out of the way


Exactly, there is a marked difference between abuse and discipline, for a child to take his parents to court is crazy.


Such an interesting post. You’ve made some great points about how family roles have changed. It’s sad to hear about your past experiences. But I love how you’ve turned that into such a thoughtful perspective.


We need more love and empathy, and above all education so that children are not so fragile, so that these things do not happen. My life has been very hard, around this time my parents and my best friend died, that's why December is not pretty for me.


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When children react that way, it is because something is wrong at home, I believe that the laws must be improved, because not all the truth is told by children.

It is necessary to eradicate the anti-values from the home.


totally, new values, new way of thinking, people with a critical sense, resistant, true citizens of the future.


I totally agree with you, now I see that parents do not know how to set limits and that the children are the ones who dominate them. Neither extreme is good, we should never mistreat children psychologically or emotionally, but we should never stop teaching them what is wrong. Discipline can be given without violence. Excellent post, greetings, @manclar 🤗.



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