RE: The Stark Contrast Between Public and Private Healthcare: A Venezuelan Perspective

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Sadly the situation here in Venezuela is that inputs are stolen, from magnetic resonance machines, X -ray machines, to gauze, scalpel and etc. When people go to consultation, or the doctor is not or they have no water to wash the wound.

They have made health a business, anywhere in the world, not only in Europe, and those who are behind all this are the same as always, who are only interested in their pockets and not in people.

It is better to die at home because in a public service it is worse ... I have been bleeding for my crotch for 1 week, and I don't go to a public doctor, because death means for me, at least here in case I stay I live and I heal how I can, I suppose that any people with a minimum of reasoning would do the same.

What you say about dehumanization, I agree with you, need more human politicians and help older adults who do not have anyone or resources, because sadly people like us (I mean them and include myself, I am not putting you into ti), see you cornered by waiting for death in our homes, because we do not have the resources to treat ourselves or have the attention we require.

a hug.
