Messages from the Unknown



Life is full of surprises and mysteries waiting to be unraveled.


"Sometimes, the universe speaks in whispers of the extraordinary."
<< Unknown >>

Image of Evgeni Tcherkasski at Unsplash

I start this publication without having a clear idea of how to address the topic, and what I am going to talk about mainly because a series of quite rare mysterious events have occurred.

And I do not know how to explain them, I do not know if to put the label of curiosities of coincidences or strange events, and despite the fact that I am a specialist in this, (because for those who do not know I am a paranormal investigator clairvoyant and I have spent many years of my life investigating everything that is the phenomenon of non-identified flying objects,, extraterrestrials and all these types of paranormal phenomena).

So it is assumed that I should understand, and understand better when this type of thing happens, but this is not the case, look, to put it a little more in context, what I have learned and I want to make it clear here in this publication, that is that when these phenomena or these coincidences (or whatever you want to call them) happen are because life is trying to give us a message, or perhaps the universe.

I know that this does not have any scientific basis rather an intuitive basis, but this is not a good talk of my life twice.

I was told during my life more than 30 or more years of experience in these areas, I have pondered that these symbols of alarm these these strange and rare things that happen to us.

I will tell you what these curious things that have passed me all people usually have the most vivid dreams minutes or seconds before waking up, this happens is a normal process in us human beings.

I had a quite curious dream.

Image of Natalia Y. at Unsplash

I dreamed that I was seeing some people who were like dead, as dead in these precise moments, I do not remember who they were, but not because I do not know those people are unknown human beings, I do not know who they will be I had never seen them.

I saw them in my dreams, the people as bald and more or less.

I would say that they are young, within an area of about 30 to 40 years of age, and I saw these people as looking at them from the text, as if I were floating, and these people were lying down with their clothes dressed normally in a bed.

This man because today this man like this and then he changed the scene as to see some clouds in the sky, and in the middle of these clouds appeared the symbol of a cajun, or a letter as an alien, or perhaps a symbol of these of a Japanese word.

It was like this the most similar to me it seemed to me, this dream happened to me today, and I do not find it no matter how many laps I give it, no type of meaning.

On the other hand because to people who I esteem and appreciate a lot have been happening things, to my friend @enraizar has had sensations of corporal is to be sick, has been vomiting yesterday and has been decomposed, in mind and curiously I have felt bad too for those, who do not know I have been suffering for more than four months with a bleeding ulcer in my leg that does not end up healing, in fact I have already talked about this on many occasions and I have been feeling decomposed today.

I have had this feeling in addition to the dream that had this strange feeling like I do not know if anxiety, or an anxiety of something.

Image of Massimiliano Sarno of Unsplash

I do not know if it is because the end of the month is approaching and I must hurry to go to bed, because I do not know if I will be able to get it.

I am not sure either all the internet accounts and the money because it is precisely not enough to do it, and neither the rewards that I receive here in hive are enough to be able to cost all the food expenses.

And of course this creates a level of anguish, of concern, not having anything to eat , and every day with the same thing.

Because it is quite boring.

I have been around for five or six years eating rice practically every day only rice with water, and some that again every three weeks, approximately that I combine it with some protein, such as chicken because I have enough money and I can give myself that taste of buying a little chicken.

Maybe 200 grams of chicken and a small amount of grains but then I have had that feeling, and that feeling that something strange also happens, in addition to these, I must say that the current situation of the economic crisis after the electoral result in the country, for the recent elections has kept us in a state of concern and tension.

Throughout the country then you breathe a quite strange, and worrying environment. I don't know what all these feelings will be, I told my friend that when I was talking on whatsapp with him a while ago, when I went to the kitchen to look for my plate of rice with sardines, which is what lunch today and I placed it here in front of the computer, after having had this dream of people deaths today, the screen protector that appears on my computer is a skull laughing and it seemed quite curious to me.

This I leave you the photo here because it is something very very rare, it is extremely rare, that he dreams of death and that all this type of coincidence happens.

Image captures with my krip 4b phone.

True to me it seems very curious to me and that is why I make this publication, that at first I did not know how to express it or how to comment on it, here but it seems very strange to me because, I do not understand the messages that life is trying to give me.

This for me are signs and are messages, and I do not know how I should interpret them, and I will not be if they I am interpreting in the correct, and I am going correctly at first.

I had the doubt of whether to make a publication and turn this this dream that I had into a pixel art good, an nft I think, I will do it but I am not quite sure what do you think.

What do you think about this?. I would like to know your opinion, if it would be good to turn this dream of a Japanese symbol, and the clouds into an NFT.

On the other hand, I also want to talk and tell you that I have been making changes in terms of the people with whom I have been relating in my life, and here in hive.

I want to leave behind all the stages that I have lived in these 8 years, of course without forgetting all the people who have accompanied me.

But that has already passed to another stage for me, and I do not feel very comfortable, with that people from that old stage continue to appear in my life, it is not that they have anything bad but that I am looking for another step, to climb another different step to the step where they arent at the moment.

And I feel that getting together and surrounding myself with them will not contribute to that, I continue to advance here in hive and in my life in general.

So in that sense since approximately two months ago, I have decided to make a change.

I have decided to start participating in other communities and explore other horizons, beyond the old communities in which I participated, and that leads me precisely to this beautiful community of Hive Learners, where we are here to learn and where I have come to learn.

Image of Jeswin Thomas at Unsplash

And share what I have learned, and what I know with all of you.

I think it is an interesting way to participate and contribute, so that we all grow and the community grows.

Because in the end the most important thing about all of this, is that people feel identified and that they learn new things.

For example here in this community, I appreciate a lot the contents of so many people, who are at such a distance and who have taught me so much from Africa, from the Lagoos, from all these people who are over there, from Pakistan, from Brazil, that I like and appreciate so much to read.

The way they share their lives, their hopes, their desires, their worries, and their dreams. I think this is also part of everything we can learn.

And well this is a publication, let's say that extraordinary, that comes out of the topics of the week, but I have felt very motivated to do by my own initiative, because in my search I always try to bring you a content that is different, that is easy to digest, that is easy to assimilate, and that you enjoy.

Always thinking that I as a reader, would like to consume things that were light, and that made me feel that I am talking or that I am reading a content from a friend, of a person who is family, and who makes me feel at ease.

Then I hope that this publication has achieved that goal, and that of course you give me your opinion of this feeling, and of these things so rare, that happen in the life, of these coincidences so particular and so singular. That they present us the day to day in our, life and what do you think about all this that I have raised and all this.

That I am telling you here and if you have managed to learn something about this publication I would be extremely grateful that you made me know, because that is better for me than anything else in the world, is the greatest prize that I can receive.

Thank you very much for reading me, and thank you very much for your time.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



Thumbnail an image maded using
The text dividers were made by me using aseprite


Extraño sueño, yo también tuve un sueño muy extraño hace un día, extraño, casi muy parecido al tuyo pero desde otra perspectiva. Sería interesante ver tu sueño plasmado en un arte. Saludos @manclar espero mejores de tu pierna y tus angustias, es un poquito difícil lograrlo pero son mis deseos, espero puedas sentirte mejor en algún momento.


I have had a couple of crazy days...without electricity and suffering without food or money, it seems that the electricity thing has already addition to the national blackout, for me it was extended, because some cables were burned in the area where I live and we were without electricity until 1 hour ago, I mean longer than everyone else. Very distressing to see how others have electricity and one does not. Things of life.

Thank you for your good wishes, now with what happened to me I think that the dream was a warning that something bad was coming, the cell phone did not have a battery, and the charging pin is damaged so I can only charge it at home, and When the light came I couldn't get to where I live, I just got to the building next door alone...well, everything has already happened and maybe I'll make the pixel art of this dream, I'm not really sure, because it scares me ( esoteric things), let's see if I start to feel better....
