Love beyond the years

The interesting age breach

The age difference is subjective, since it depends on the values that the couple has in common.
The age difference when it comes to having partners, in my case, has not been something important. This is because I have been a very mature person.
I have had partners who have been much younger than me, ten or fifteen years younger, but they have had a great maturity to be with me.
In fact, the love of my life turned out to be someone fifteen years younger than me, but with an impressively advanced maturity, to the point that she realized we were from different worlds because we were from different social classes and she didn't want to continue advancing the relationship precisely because the barrier of being from different social classes and different worlds was not going to allow her to fit into her scenario, into her environment.
She came from a group of people who lived in the countryside, very humble people, and I had a much higher social status than hers.
And there, I can tell you that despite the age, we managed to get together and we managed to be together for quite a while, but age did not influence this, but rather the maturity of the person.

Image from Gerd Altmann at Pixabay
So I think that what matters when having a relationship with someone is the factor of experience and maturity.
For me, I take it and see it as the most important point.
There is an important factor that I have to mention and it is the aspect of the common goals that these people have when they are going to get married.
It is necessary and very important that these people have common objectives because this is going to be important, not age, although I must mention that with age, greater knowledge and greater security are acquired, which would facilitate having greater common objectives.
So there is also the other factor of religious beliefs or traditions that one has, whether or not they are shared, because for example, if a person is Jewish, it is very difficult for them to want to marry a person who is of another religion, who is Catholic or who is Muslim, it is not allowed, it is not seen that way, just as if a person is of the Mormon religion and another is Catholic, then they will have conflict.
So in that sense, it is also important to have common goals, not age.

Imagen from Monoar Rahman Rony atPixabay
As for age, there is a factor that I also consider quite important, which is the age of people, and this is precisely because as people get older, they tend to have worn-out organs, they start to have health problems, and it doesn't matter if the person is older, but if the person has their organism in a functional and healthy way and is in good health, then age doesn't matter in that sense.
And as another point that I want to mention is also the fact that if a person is very old, they will probably be, as I said before, worn out and will not have the same vital force to be able to create children or generate new lives, which is very different, for example, a woman or a man who is 10 or 20 years older who has that desire or that strength to create new lives or to reproduce because that factor is also there, the vital energy is not the same, the will to live may still be the same but it decreases because it is a natural process of life to wear out over age.
So personally, I find that for me, age is not important, but maturity is.
At this point in my life, I wouldn't mind being with a woman older or younger than I am, who is 56 years old, but what I would care about is that we have things in common, and within those things in common, I always look for differences as an important part because I believe that couples who are different tend to function better precisely because those differences between each other make the relationship work.
And this is my point of view about love in the age gap.

This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).
Thumbnail maded using Bing AI and edited at
The text dividers were made by me using aseprite
Interesting topic @manclar, I have always believed that when there is love, understanding, common goals and above all respect we can be with a partner regardless of their age. Greetings
Yes, age is just a number, I have seen many couples with large age differences that work well, and I have also experienced it in person. Maturity is what gives that benefit.
A hug.
My experience tells me the opposite, with my age and at present, the age difference I think is important in the moment of having a partner. the age difference is not only numbers, they are ways of seeing the world. Each generation has its, let's call it culture, and I am particularly so anchored to mine, that I think it is difficult for me to have a partner with an age difference of, say, 10 years.
Best regards @manclar , hope you are well
I suppose it depends on each way of thinking, for me, the issue is about the maturity of the person, the experiences they have lived. I wouldn't dare be with someone who doesn't have a minimum of critical thinking, for me it doesn't matter if he is 20 or 80 years old.
Of course it's not like I'm going to be with a minor, that's already perversions.
Cheers tree pal. i am watching how my surroundings burns.
The thing is that I am not only a tree but also a salamander, and slamanders are not very social. But I like to reason and give arguments to what is nothing more than my love for my solitude. I hope you are well... I will come in, again, later, now I am with my usual headache.....
I understand you perfectly because you know very well that I share being a hermit, I do not exchange my loneliness for anything that is not better than loneliness itself. Yesterday a friend on Facebook was telling me for about the tenth time that she would come to Caracas in August, to see if we would meet, and the truth is I told her no, that that was something that didn't excite me. Luckily it seems like he understood and didn't take it personally.
I hope your discomfort improves, maybe resting for a while is a good idea, I hope you get better my friend.