RE: Writer's Block and Life Getting in the Way

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Somos. A veces también paso por bloqueos. Pero intento aceptar que no soy perfecta y que hay días que uno tiene la creatividad a millón y otros que no. Desde hace meses me propuse ser más activa a nivel creativo en HIve y es lo que he estado haciendo, y trato de buscar ideas de cada día y al tener las fotos es un portal abierto que tengo para ser creativa al verlas e inspirarme. O .. intento escribir a diario y los días que no viene nada a mi, también tengo contenido. Hay días de días. Lo importante es recordar que somos humanos y necesitamos descanso también..

We are. Sometimes I go through lockdowns too. But I try to accept that I am not perfect and that there are days that one has creativity to a million and others that do not. For months now I proposed to be more active at the creative level in Hive and it's what I've been doing, and I try to look for ideas from each day and having the photos is an open portal that I have to be creative when seeing and inspiring myself. Or.. I try to write daily and the days that nothing comes to me, I also have content. There are days of days. The important thing is to remember that we are human and we need rest too


Yeah, I have been burning the candle at both ends trying to take care of things around here and feel like I have failed my Hive folks. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement!
