Printed Pages or Digital Screens: Art of Reading in the Modern Age πŸ“šπŸ“±



When it comes to reading these days, we now have a choice, either we read printed materials, or on screen with our phone, tablets or computers.
What method best suits you? Which one do you think is more advantageous?

Well many today choose to read on screen rather than printed materials , and with good reasons!
Most of us have been gotten used to clicking on the next link for more info, or scrolling to the next page within seconds. Printed materials have become boring for many of us.

Electronic devices helps us to find information we need quickly due to it's search features. Readers can also find supplementary information, the definition of a word,play an audio or video that supports what he's learning. I also know that many schools abroad has employed the use of electronic devices for reading and they are reporting good progress on their students.

But does all of these suggest that there is little or no value to reading printed books?

Not at all!

When it comes to intense study, many have found that it is better to use printed materials. This is because they get lots of distractions while using the screen, pop up notifications, phone calls and irrelevant materials may distract them. With phone you're tempted to answer a text, play a game or do other irrelevant things.

Also when it comes to deeper understanding on the material, many also prefer printed materials because they can stop and ponder over what they've read to make sure they understand it.
Also many tend to read more patiently with printed books rather than the screen, and readers tend to absorb the information more deeply.

Well, both methods of reading have their advantages, for most it takes discipline to read, and so they prefer easier form of reading.
Reading on the screen takes more discipline if we are to pay attention and concentrate on what we are reading.

Parents must discern the best method of reading that best suits their children, help them to understand what good it will do them if they chose a certain method of reading. Each parents knows their children and each child is different, in the end parents have to make the decisions.

It's true that the world today is advancing more digitally and new things are coming up, we should also examine how it affects our human brains and the children.

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Thank you for reading up to this point. I hope you can also share your best method of reading in the comment below.

See you next time πŸ€—

My intro post

