Monthly fund report #4

Hi mates,

After several months of skipping the report, I need to give an update for the whole missing period, to provide transparency about this fund

  • There is no additional contribution.
  • The only inflow is the interest collection, which is $105.639. The interest rate was reduced from 20% to 15% in Jul.
  • The total dividend share is $51, paid 2 times, in Jul and Oct.

The fund amount now is $1849.8, which is increased by $112 compared to original contribution

Here is the contribution table

And here is the dividend share table

I will calculate all the contribution percentages based on the HBD value because calculating the contribution in HBD value is fairer to everyone.

  • The interest is paid in HBD
  • The HBD-VND rate always fluctuates and everyone can receive a different HBD amount with the same contribution in VND
  • Updated - the current contribution % is to calculate the interest. Because the earlier contributor should have some advantage compared to the late contributor with the same contribution amount.
  • The 1st scholarship contribution will be in the end of 2024.

That's all for now, until the next report

Here is again the reason for this fund
