RE: 1986 Netherlands 5 Daalders 400th Anniversary of the Utrecht Ducat coin.


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According to what I read, if you are something, I don't know what to call it, you like to buy and then pay hahaha, that is what then increases the cost of the purchase, I say this because of the water tank and the refrigerator hahaha.
I will tell you something that made me laugh, a friend tells me, FELIPE, this year we have to get a girlfriend, but I have noticed that women today are very focused on getting money, some even have their own businesses, so it will be more complicated since they are very independent.
My answer : Are you looking for a girlfriend or do you want a woman to take care of you, because if so you will NOT find one, I like women to be independent, that is precisely what I look for to get a girlfriend so we're going very slowly and I hope they accept us hahaha
All this to say that I like that women have that power of decision, that do what they want and we men admire them, we respect them and we will try to always support them, well that's what I think and do.
Sorry for talking so much hahaha. A hug with much respect and affection


The cost of those recent appliance replacements are now carried free of interest by the vendor at this time. I’m just making use of the cash until I pay off when the remaining amount is due. My Cash Reserve stands just above $15,000 CAD and I can pay off the entire debt balance of about $5,000 CAD leaving me $10,000 of room should there is another urgent repair cost up to $5,000. The remaining $5,000 Cash is reserved only for urgent medical expenses only because that takes precedence over repairs. That’s my policy that worked well for me. Any liquid cash saved above that total $15,000 threshold can be spent on gold and silver as long termed inflation proof savings. My savings in gold and silver is larger than my Emergency Cash Reserve. I won’t sell any precious metals until my Cash Reserve is exhausted. By the way, I have a Rental suite in my house, so I could write off half my Hot Water tank replacement cost against my rental income.

I hope this is more clear @lupega

I am glad you have that respect for women to have their own autonomy. In a family context many women may not necessarily want independence but simply having a say or input in the husband’s decision making. She may have a valuable insight that he may not have accounted for. Her intention is not to put herself above the husband but for the security and best interest of the family. Just be sure to acknowledge her should she be correct. All women want is a meaningful role even when the husband has the final say in a marriage partnership.

I appreciate your comment.


I like the term "partnership" you used here. There is no above or below in a sane relationship.

Each individual has the same importance whatever the income they are bringing to the table.

I'm married to an awesome stay at home wife. She might not bring money for now, but what she brings is worth at least as much.
