Vigorous shake
A vigorous shake means many things perhaps it's frenzied rattling of dice in gambler's hands or desperate attempt to wake someone from deep sleep. Frenzied motion of blender breaking down ingredients is similarly vigorous. There's energy to it urgency that separates it from mere stir. Think of handshake that leaves fingers tingling some people shake hands with calm confidence but others grip too hard. Vigorous shake can be sign of enthusiasm or nervousness of power or overcompensation. Nature shakes things up too earth trembles in earthquake violently displacing everything once thought stable. Storm shakes trees sending leaves flying reshaping landscapes. Body has its own version shivering when cold trembling in fear or convulsing in uncontrollable laughter. Sometimes vigorous shake is necessary dusty old blanket needs forceful snap to release years of neglect clinging to it. Bottle of medicine demands shake before use ensuring components mix properly. Maybe life itself needs vigorous shake now and then disruption that forces one out of complacency and into action because staying still for too long can be more dangerous than shaking things up.