"Concierto para un amor que termina" (Concert for a love that ends) Cover By @luisfe



Texto en castellano
Hola, comunidad de amantes de la música. Espero que en estos días, ya terminando el año - a 3 meses de concluir - al mirar hacia atrás podamos sonreír sintiendo que hemos estado actuando en positivo.

Si la sonrisa no nos sale tan espontánea ni tan amplia... bueno... pensemos que vienen días, todos sin estrenar , en los que podemos sembrar las buenas semillas que por una u otra razón se nos quedaron en el bolsillo.

Que la música - esta maravillosa forma de expresarnos - marque la pauta en nuestras vidas.

Hoy deseo compartir con ustedes, eninstrumental, mi versión de la canción "Concierto para un amor que termina" quie popularizara enVenezuela en la década del 70 el cantante Rudy Marquez, quien recientemente pasara de plano, no sin antes grabar un video agradeciendo el apoyo de sus fans. Rudy Marquez tenía 81 años y luchaba contra un cáncer de páncreas, que le producía dolores extremos, por lo cual decidió solicitar la eutanasia.

La definición de eutanasia es: Intervención deliberada para poner fin a la vida de un paciente sin perspectiva de cura, produciéndole la muerte sin sufrimiento físico

Esta canción repite mucho la frase "ya se fue... no volverá" refiriéndose a un amor perdido. Pero en este caso su triste melodía es el contexto para una despedida a quien fuera uno de los grandes de la canción romántica en español y quien seguirá volviendo a nosotros cada vez que podamos oir suvoz, ver sus videos, escuchar esos temas que marcaron una generación y trascendieron para las otras.

Que la misericordia de Dios le abrace y su legado permanezca imborrable entre nosotros.

Les invito a visitar suCanal Oficial enYoutube



Hello, community of music lovers. I hope that these days, as the year ends - 3 months away - when we look back we can smile feeling that we have been acting positively.

If the smile doesn't come out so spontaneous or so broad... well... let's think that days are coming, all brand new, in which we can sow the good seeds that for one reason or another were left in our pockets.

May music - this wonderful way of expressing ourselves - set the tone in our lives.

Today I want to share with you, in instrumental form, my version of the song "Concert for a love that ends" which was popularized in Venezuela in the 1970s by the singer Rudy Marquez, who recently passed away, but not before recording a video thanking his fans for their support. Rudy Marquez was 81 years old and was fighting pancreatic cancer, which caused him extreme pain, which is why he decided to request euthanasia.

The definition of euthanasia is: [Deliberate intervention to end the life of a patient who has no prospect of cure, causing death without physical suffering](https://www.google.com/search?q=euthanasiadef&oq =euthanasiadef&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i13i512l9.5552j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

This song repeats a lot the phrase "it's already gone... it won't come back" referring to a lost love. But in this case, its sad melody is the context for a farewell to someone who was one of the greats of romantic songs in Spanish and who will continue to return to us every time we can hear his voice, watch his videos, listen to those songs that marked a generation. and they transcended to the others.

May the mercy of God embrace him and his legacy remain indelible among us.

I invite you to visit his Official YouTube Channel

Concierto para un amor que termina

El tiempo pasa lentamente,
Mi propia piel ya nada siente.
Tú ya te has ido de mi lado,
Ya nuestro amor se ha terminado.
Aquel amor que había soñado...
Ya se fue,
No volverá...
Cae la lluvia y en mi mente,
Detengo el tiempo de repente.
Vuelvo de nuevo hacia el pasado
Y sé que estuve enamorado.
Pero ese amor se ha terminado...
Ya se fue,
No volverá...
La vida sigue su camino,
Yo ya presiento mi destino.
Destino que es como un concierto,
Para un amor que ya se ha muerto.
Mi propio ser está desierto...
Ya se fue.
No volverá...



Concert for a love that ends

Time passes slowly,
My own skin no longer feels anything.
You have already left my side,
Our love is over.
That love I had dreamed of...
It's already gone,
Won't come back...
The rain falls and in my mind,
I stop time suddenly.
I go back to the past again
And I know I was in love.
But that love is over...
It's already gone,
Won't come back...
Life goes on its way,
I already sense my destiny.
Destiny that is like a concert,
For a love that has already died.
My own being is deserted...
It's already gone.
Won't come back


Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog, ver las fotos y leer mi post. Espero que este mes esté lleno de cosas buenas para ti y tu familia. Dios te bendiga.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog, seeing my pics and reading my post. I hope this month is filled with good things for you and your family. God bless you.

Your visit to my blog is very important to me, I hope you liked my photography work and leave with the intention of returning..

Fotos propias tomadas con celular Krip K55H /Own por Nd video taken with Krip K55H Cell Phone

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▶️ 3Speak



"Concierto para un amor que termina", "Concierto para una ausencia que comienza". Gracias por traernos este tema de Rudy Marquez. Me ha causado mucha tristeza su partida y las circunstancias que la rodearon. Todo muy triste... Esta canción refleja mucho eso y su final "Ya se fue...no volverá" describe esta dolorosa situación. Gracia por tu tributo a "uno de los grandes" de la música romántica. Te deseo éxito.

"Concert for a love that ends", "Concert for an absence that begins". Thank you for bringing us this topic by Rudy Marquez. His departure and the circumstances surrounding it have caused me a lot of sadness. All very sad... This song reflects a lot of that and its ending "He's gone...he won't come back" describes this painful situation. Thank you for your tribute to "one of the greats" of romantic music. I wish you success.
