Of madness and mental health
Illnesses of the body are diagnosed with hard evidence to validate them.
This is not the case with some mental illnesses, whose origin lies in a capricious mind, that invisible conductor of actions.
When it fails, its consequences spread like wildfire, damaging the patient and their loved ones.
What for some is normality, for others seems incomprehensible. We divide ourselves into neurotics and the rest.
We even have different ways of facing reality, which alienates us. Nothing is more disturbing than feeling misunderstood.
Crossing the line between sanity is an ordeal. They believe their perception, oblivious to the judgements of others.
For others, understanding them is a challenge.
Unfortunately, there is a lack of resources in mental health. Those who are covered are exposed to episodes without a safety net.
They often end up in substandard facilities, if not in disguised imprisonment.
We must safeguard general mental health, as no one is safe from madness. Prevention is the ally of cure.
Founding protection and help should be a priority for those who already endure too much pain.