Random Digital Art 688
Hello hello Hello Good afternoon my friend and family. It is another day and another story to share with all of you here on this beautiful day today. How are things going on your side of the world? I wish that everything is doing great and all of you are having an amazing day today.
Things are doing great on my side of the world, with the sun shine brighty today not too hot today, which is pretty awesome. I could finish all my things and the errand without any sweat, and I could finish it erlier than the usual time so that I could have more time to rest, and then continue to make my daily random digital art creation.
The result I use as the subject for my series, today this is my random digital art series number 688. I am pretty happy with everything that I get until now, and I wish to continue my work here on the chain as long as I could.
Anyway, I made this random digital art creation today usign one fractal element only that I made using Aphophyis 7X and then edit them in Photoshop. I changed the abckgroudn color as well as the blending option to make these different version today. I with that all of you liek my work, and I wish to be able to come back again tomorrow to share another random digital art creation again with all of you here.
that is all for now. cheers.
These are the application that I use to make this random digital art series, I might use on element from the following applications, or simply combine them all to make this art.
- Aphophysis 2.09 the older version where I first learn how to make fractal
- Aphophysis7X the newer version of the app to produce fractal art.
- Bomomo abstract application is a web based application to make abstract art, very easy to use app.
- inkscape application, to make the vector art.
- Adobe photoshop to combine those element to make the final random digital art version.