Priceless Commodities!


There is nothing on earth that isn't valuable, whether it's water, sun, sand, shells or gold - all have value. It's not surprising to see people place so much value on *Gold". Gold, as we know is a precious metal that have been coveted for its beauty and rarity for centuries. The value placed on gold is such that you can only see it within the circle of the wealthy and influential.
I value gold, no doubt but there are many other things that top the chart of my valuables, and that I'll share with you.

  • The First Is My Name

Just as we know, a name represents our individuality, our heritage, and our place in the world. It's a gift that we carry with us throughout our lives, shaping who we become and how we're remembered
People usually ask, "What is in a name"?. I tell you, there's a whole bunch found in a name. Maya Angelou's quote sums up the power of a name: "A name is the first and last thing a person is given, and it lasts forever."

My name is my identity, image, a symbol of legacy. It's impossible to put a price tag on it just like we do to gold. With my name, I can purchase all the gold I want but my name can't be traded for any carat of gold.

A person's name can influence how people perceive and treat them, that's why I hold my name in high esteem and protect it from anything or influence that will bring dent to it.

  • Next Is Health

Health is often taken for granted, but when it's threatened, it becomes abundantly clear just how valuable it truly is. Imagine a situation where simple tasks, like climbing a flight of stairs or enjoying a meal with loved ones, become impossible. This no doubt shows that health is one of the most valuable commodities in the world and can't be exchanged for anything.
This is because health allows us to experience life to the fullest, without being held back by illness or pain. Health not only impacts our physical well-being, but also our mental and emotional health. Struggling with a chronic illness or injury can lead to depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. On the other hand, being healthy can increase our ability to manage stress, cultivate meaningful relationships, and find joy in everyday moments. Our people say that,

it is only when one is healthy that he'll think of ways to make money

  • Another one is Time

"Time is of essence" so they say. Each day, hour, and minute that passes is gone forever, never to be regained or replaced. Gold, when lost can be replaced but not time.

Once the clock ticks 20:00hrs today, September 10th, 2024, it's never gonna tick same time again today. This is what makes time so incredibly valuable - it's a finite resource, a precious, fleeting gift that we must use wisely. We usually say "time is money," but in reality, time is worth far more than any currency. Time is the currency of our lives, and how we choose to spend it can determine our happiness, success, and overall well-being.
Knowing how valuable time is, I ensure not to trade any time available to me for frivolities. Whether it's time for work, sleep, me-time or time spent with loved ones, I'll always try to make the most it.

I value your time here, please do visit again. Thank you..

This is a response to the QC Community Weekly Contest #107

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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We usually say "time is money," but in reality, time is worth far more than any currency

Exactly and sometimes we don't realice that and spend our time doing things we don't really want to do, or being with people that are not good for us.


I totally agree. Sometimes we feel that we have all the time in the world and while it away without knowing that there is no extra time added to us.


Wow, indeed all these points are priceless. Time lost can never be regained.
