It's Worth The Sacrifice!


I believe that there is no one who hasn't enjoyed an act of kindness before, no matter how little it is. We are all created for each other, to be our brother's keeper, help each other in times of need and be a support system too.

I believe that each of us has something we could share with others, even if they are little. No one has it all, that's why it's of essence to give from the little we, and not waiting for when they are in abundance. Some people do not even give even when they have enough, that isn't an act of humanity.

Often times than not, I've been in a position where I am to show a little kindness whether to a known person or a stranger and I just feel like holding back due to past experiences which weren't so good but then I remember that life happens and that one day, I might be the one desiring to be helped and if the help doesn't come, I will be sad, so I just go ahead to do it.
Another thing that has been my guiding principle is this powerful word of the Lord, Jesus Christ in Mathew 25:40,

whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me".

Most importantly kindness breeds happiness both to one showing it and the one receiving. Since I've come to know this about showing kindness, I tend to be more open to doing it, even in the littlest of ways because I know it's going to bring me much happiness, and that's a beautiful feeling.

Some months ago, I was on the way back from the market in the early hours of the evening and on entering my street this heavily pregnant woman was walking down to the main road. I thought that she was taking a stroll and on pass her I encouraged her to take it slowly and rest when she needs to. She smiled and thanked me, I then continued on my walk home.

Few metres away from where I met her, I heard a sharp cry, I stopped and turned back to know what it was and I saw her leaning on the wall of one of the houses in my street, almost falling. Immediately I dropped my shopping bag, rushed and supported her so she wouldn't fall. I started telling her to be strong, breathe slowly and open her mouth to allow more air to pass through while calculating my next line of action because she was really going through labor pains and I was afraid for her not to give birth there. She actually told me that she was heading to the hospital and that her little son was already at the road with her hospital bag.

It was a hectic day for me coupled with the stress of going to the market so the only thing I needed was to get home and rest but I couldn't leave her in that condition. I was thorn between keeping my bag by the side of the street and risk it being stolen as I help her to the main road or to just let her go. As this thought was going through my mind, a kind hearted young man came by, and seeing what was going, offered to help. So I told him to help her gently while she walks down so that I can get means of a Keke tricycle to carry her.

I ran off with the little strength in me, Infact I ran like I haven't done in years, lol. Getting to the road, it didn't take long I saw an empty one who was willing to drive in and pick her up. In no time we got to where they were and we helped her in. I had wanted to join her to the hospital but she said that she can manage, moreover that she has a relative there, also reminding me that I left my bag unattended to.

It was then reality dawned on me, in the heat of the moment and trying to help her, I had totally forgotten about it, oh my world! 😂. Hearing she had a relative at the hospital was a great relief so I quickly paid the fare and wished her safe delivery. She was so emotional and full of thanks.
The happiness on her face gladdened my heart sending smiles to my face and I felt so happy that I was able to offer that little help even when it wasn't so convenient for me to. That is what kindness is all about, you must surely give something up in the process of showing it, but the reward is great.

Thank you for stopping by, I would love to read your comments.

This is my response to the weekly contest #7, themed "Acts of Kindness"

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

Image 3
Others Are Mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Some people would have just passed by. You did great by encouraging and assisting her.

Some people do not even give even when they have enough, that isn't an act of humanity.

Concerning this, it's those without much that give freely while the rich influential ones just brag about their wealth and status.


Thanks for the kind words.

Well, you might be right, in a way but I've seen a rich person who helps and supports others massively, likewise the poor who doesn't help with the claim that they don't have enough. Giving is in the mind, whether you have or not.


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Hive Power Up Day - June 1st 2024

That was very kind of you. You did amazing by helping that pregnant woman, I'm sure she will be forever grateful to you.


Your quick response in helping the pregnant woman is really commendable. Someone else may have just walked past without any positive input at all. God bless you.


Kindness makes the world go round, you did a good one there, God bless you.


See me reading quickly to see when you had to assist her in delivering😂😂😂nurse Luchyl has a nice ring to it, What do you think?😊😊

Always a #dreerforlife


nurse Luchyl has a nice ring to it, What do you think?😊😊

Nah, the ring isn't ringing, lol 😂. I don't have the charisma for that if not, would have been in the health sector.


Aww, you are so kind hearted!🥺 It was really kind of you to help her and be there for her, may God bless you🙏❤️



You know fate always position us in places where we will be of help to others. I only acted according to how fate planned it for her.
I appreciate your commendation.

